Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Looking Past the Darkness

Often times I think it is easier to see the negative side of a situation. It seems to take great intentional effort to notice the beauty and positive potential in certain situations. Then, I must ask the questions: Is there always a delightful, favorable, and encouraging aspect of each situation? Also, what causes so many people to almost automatically default to the opposing view?

Last weekend, we were in Pande to get some things ready for when we move there in just two (hopefully) short weeks. Saturday evening, our leader was meeting with the pastor to discuss a few business related things. Melody and I walked around at the school and enjoyed the simpleness of being in our new home. This was happening at dusk. I couldn't help but notice a wonderful sunset through the trees. I adore sunsets and probably have hundreds of pictures of them from all my travels over the years. Although, I only had my phone with me, I still had to capture the moment.

First of all, a picture of a sunset never seems to adequately depict the beauty and array of colors that are displayed. Second of all, often times it seems that something gets in the way of the picture.

There were trees in the foreground and they just didn't quite seem to frame the natural beauty in the distance that I so eagerly wanted to capture in a picture. In the moment it was slightly frustrating.

A few days later as I was looking at the pictures, I realized that the beautiful sunset is still there. You can even see the outline of the rolling hills in the distance. The colors scheme, albeit limited, is still quite amazing, especially with the contrasting black foreground. All I had to do is look past the darkness to see the beauty.

[Addition - 3 July 2015]

Life in the village is quite like the story above. I would not say that my life here is covered in darkness. However, there are definitely moments that are frustrating, moments that are hard, moments that difficult, moments that defeating, moments that are disappointing, and moments that are heart breaking. It takes great intentionality to remember to look for the moments that are fun, moments that are exciting, moments that are hysterical, moments that are beautiful, moments that accomplishments, moments blissful, moments that are joyous, and moments that are heart breaking. 

Unfortunately, I can already tell that this will be a constant struggle. At the end of the day it is so easy to remember and focus on the failures, struggles, hardships, and mistakes. The day may have had an epic encounter with a new person that will lead to a life changing friendship. The day may have had great laughter at one point. But when it is all said and done, the former always seems to take front and center. 

Each day, I must look past the darkness and find the beauty.

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