Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tomorrow is a new day, new week & it will be better.

You know those days that you get to the end [or lunch or even by 9am] and all you want to do is hit the easy button that will allow for a do over??

I think you know what I mean. Nothing goes right. Every little thing that is slightly off just builds and builds. Or maybe it is one huge thing that destroys any ounce of positive in the day or week?

How have the first 7 days of May been for you?


Last week was definitely subpar for me.
Sunday brought on an unexpected, less than desired realization.
Monday wasn't near as productive as I hoped.
Tuesday put an abrupt end to planning some fun.
Wednesday was crushing news.
Thursday made me think more than I had energy to do.
Friday was full of cultural challenges.
Saturday was ok but just a little weird after the week.

According to facebook, I wasn't the only one that had a rough start to May.

I really wanted to play my selfish introvert card on Saturday. Actually I did a little bit. I wanted to declare a day for me to stay home and be lazy. Somehow I powered through.

I started a new book.
I spent some time on the balcony enjoying the fresh air.....
....even washed the dishes and did a little organizing.

I needed to be somewhere by 6pm. But first I needed a little bit of a re-start.

So I left in time to stop at a cafe place.
Got my book out and enjoyed some coffee and fruit. Even now I took a deep breath as if I was back in the moment yesterday afternoon. I just needed to put the week behind and declare a fresh start.

After my evening plans (which were great) I had a bonus couple of hours of conversation with a friend. It was one of those nights of pure, genuine, unplanned, meaningful late night conversations with a friend.

This morning brought a nostalgic feeling of comfort and familiarity.

This particular friend opens her doors to me often so as planned I slept at her place. In the morning I made my typical breakfast of banana pancakes. Fresh flowers were on the table from the market yesterday. Worship music was flowing through the air from the computer in the bedroom. There was excitement inside me for being back at the same church for the second Sunday in a row. (an event that had not yet happened this year).

As the day progressed, things took longer than expected, I felt behind on my internal schedule, and it caused great unrest in me that flowed out and was easily seen by others.

But at some point the ever faithful canine species reminded me that it is ok to slow down.

All he wanted was a little bit of attention. Just a moment of my time. A gentle touch and a leg to lean on while I was also apparently shading him from the late afternoon sun.

So my goals for today may not have been accomplished......well a few were.
I may be up a little early to get ready for tomorrow because some things won't get done tonight.
People are going to have to wait another day or two for an email response.
Some things just won't be dealt with today.

Even so...the sun will come up and it will be time to sing praises again.

Even when the small things fail...
the big things fall apart...
disappoint creeps around all the corners....

We can know that joy comes in the morning and HIS love never fails.

So whatever happened last week and whatever lies before us....
let's celebrate that joy is in the morning. 

I don't have a DeLorean so we can't go back to last week and do it again. So I'll have to be satisfied with some fun coffee, great conversation, a church family, and a friendly canine to reset things from the earthly point of view. 

Tomorrow is a new day and a new week. 
It will be better. 
I've just decided that. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there, God is working even in the messes. I think about David being hunted baSil for years when I have times like that.
