Sunday, July 1, 2018


Some updates on this and that.....

Tabu family -
This is the young family that I wrote about in my last email. I have amazing news about this. They have already returned to Uganda after their daughter had heart surgery in India. The dad and other extended family were at church this morning and sharing testimony of God's provision in so many ways. Please accept many thanks from me on behalf of them for the prayers and finances that you gave to them. They are overwhelmed with how many people both near and far have helped over the last month. Baby Tirzah is doing really well and we continue to pray for her ongoing healing.

Traveling - 
Tomorrow I'll be in the the air and on my way to Northern Uganda. I get the pleasure of traveling by air with Mission Aviation Fellowship on this trip instead of spending hours on the road. Over the next 10 days I will get to visit the people and places where AIM serves in NE Uganda. It will be my first time to all of these locations. However, I have met the people as they have been in Kampala at various times. For the geographically interested, I will be in Kaabong, Kotido, and Moroto. These locations should show up on a simple google map search. I will also be in villages and areas that are (hopefully) drivable from each of these locations.

Transitions - 
For those of you that have noticed or have asked specifically, you may recall that June meant the day finally came that my close and amazing friend moved back to the states. It has been just over two weeks since she left and it doesn't feel real. I know this transition will take much time to process as I and others navigate life with an ocean between us and her. A few AIM people are on their home assignment in their passport country and others have just returned from that of their own. I feel like a broken record on this topic but know you can always pray for the ongoing revolving door of people. The transitions that this creates is something I never anticipated and surely struggle with on some days.

To know more - 
For those of you that have joined me in this journey along the way, there is a way you can know more about how I came to where I am. Just visit and read as much or as little as you like. I post old newsletters there for ease of access for all. The one you are reading now is the only one that isn't there yet.

To see more - 
Well the best way to see more is certainly to come visit. ;-)
My apologies for no pictures this time. When I looked through the pictures for June, nothing much stuck out as exciting. Perhaps you should let me know what you'd like to see?

Ok well I added one at the top. It is a view across Kampala one evening from where I had a Bible study one night. One could really see the different hills that make up Kampala.

Well, that about sums up some of the highlights of the last few weeks and a glimpse into the next week too. For my northern hemisphere friends, I hope your summer is going well and you aren't melting in the heat but able to enjoy lovely memory making moments. For other friends, I hope you are enjoying this season as well in whatever way it is happening for you.

With love to you and gratefulness for what you do for me,
Prayer Requests: 
-pray for the next 10 days of travel that begin in less than 8 hours
-pray for sufficient rest in the coming days (and weeks), I'm fully aware that I'm starting this trip quite tired and I expect to be going at full pace or more than that for a little while still
-give thanks that my brother received his visa without problem and I can finally say he is coming this month. (Oh, wow! That's the first time I realized that. And it is very exciting!!! this month!)
-join in much praise for Baby Tirzah; provision all around, successful surgery, ongoing healing
-praise and prayer for health; I've been surprisingly healthy lately. Usually when I realize that, it soon becomes untrue. 

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