Saturday, January 26, 2019

NEWSLETTER: January 2019

New Year begins with Resting.

Greetings to one and all.

The amount of appreciation I have for each of you in the various ways you support me is never able to be put into words. Just a few days ago, I reached FOUR YEARS with Africa Inland Mission. It is amazing to look back and see how each person came along in different ways all along the way to make this journey possible.

Most recently I am thankful for both leadership in Uganda and those dear to me in the states that are always available to offer wisdom and encouragement when needed. This became needed in December and I didn't even realize it until those closest to me were willing to speak honestly with me. After sharing with friends/leaders about how it seemed to be a difficult time, the idea was presented to me to essentially have a bit of a sabbatical, especially with the holidays right around the corner. After talking with a few people, it became clear that this unexpected time of rest was much needed. I quickly made some arrangements and I was off to the airways.

It has been an emotional, restful, beautiful, challenging, chilly, never snowy enough, memory filled time being in the states. As this time was meant specifically for rest I did not share this ahead of time. There was such a limited time to see people and I so appreciate your understanding of this. Do know that it was often challenging to not just go and see everyone when I was close to friends. However, God made it clear that He wanted me for Himself and He wanted me to be still.

Top picture: taken in East TN as the sun dropped below the horizon leaving a beautiful display of how light breaks the darkness even in small amounts
I would not be truthful if I said I didn't SEE snow. 
Happiness really is going to your favorite coffee place especially when its with friends (not pictured). 
What a blessing to get a chance to eventually have enough for some short fun in some cold temperatures. 
Too many pictures depicting friends and food to choose just one so here's this. 
I have much appreciation for everyone that helped with details and logistics. Do know that I will return in November for a period of about 6 months. This will be a proper Home Assignment as I had in 2017 and I will be eager to see each of you as well as share about how God is moving in Central Africa.

It brings my heart so much joy to look through the flurry of pictures with friends from the last few weeks. I was blessed to meet children that have been born since I was last in America and make more memories with friends of all ages. There never seems to enough time as each "see you next time" gets harder. For now I'll hold tightly to the memories and technology that provides connections.

I will be traveling back to Uganda over the weekend and look forward to going to one of my homes. This short trip has certainly reinforced the fact that there are many places I can call home.

I look forward to being in the states at the end of the year.

Be Well and Love Much,

Below picture: Sunset in Western TN that clearly shows God's creativity and His desire to give us beautiful things
Prayer Requests: 
  • Physical health: Join me in praising God that I stayed physically healthy through this trip even when there was obviously "something going around" where I was. May this continue through the travels. 
  • Catching up on return: pray for the details of this and that to come together quickly as I get going in Kampala. With moving a month before leaving on short notice, there is still settling to be done and various other tasks I'd like to get done in the next week. 
  • Pray for wise transition: Pray that I get back into things in a smooth way and that I don't dive in too deep too fast and end up right back where I was in a few months. 
  • Pray that lessons learned and lessons still being emphasized would continue to sit in the forefront of my mind. Pray that I would take time for myself and ignore lies the enemy tells me. 
  • Give thanks for the provision of a trip such as this. It was only possible because of those that continue to prayerfully and financially support me leading to details coming together. 

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