Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Also. . . .

I believe I have neglected to mention this. . . but I am also going to Alaska this summer.

It is a passion of mine that I have had since I was 15 years old. I started going in 2003. I have had the honor of going for a total of 5 years. This year will be my 6th year. On each trip a team of 5-8 people goes to a remote village in Alaska and does a vacation Bible school for the native kids. We also do something for the community such as plant flowers, build a picnic table, or whatever the need may be that year. Two years I have gone to a community called Chitina. The other years I have gone to Tanacross. This year, myself and one other girl, have decided that we feel led to do both villages. We are super excited!!!!! Her and I are leading the trip to Chitina. The following week we will go and meet the Tanacross team.

A couple weeks ago, I was able to travel to St. Louis and meet with the Tanacross team. We had a great time and were able to get a lot accomplished. It is really amazing to see what God can do when just a few people come together to do His work and spread His Glory.

I am greatly looking forward to this trip. I can't believe it is just over one month away. I leave July 14.

Please continue to pray for the Africa trip but also keep the children in Alaska in your prayers as well. There is abuse of all kinds in the villages. The kids just crave attention and love of any kind. To be able to give it to them for just one week is a blessing for me as well as them.