Sunday, May 27, 2018

NEWSLETTER: May 2018 part 2

Catching up with more happenings
27 March 2018

It's been more than a week.....

It's certainly been more than a week since I last wrote. Sorry for that! However, it is still within the same month, does that count for getting back to you soon? Though, it works out well because two big things happened last week.

I'll start with the difficult one. Our wonderful and loving church family received the news last week that a young family's daughter has three dangerous holes in her heart. She is just shy of one year old. Her parents are amazing people in the leadership of the church and as friends to many. You can imagine the turmoil they are experiencing. Unfortunately, their daughter's best chance for surgery for this life threatening condition is go to India. This needs to happen in the next couple weeks. If you are at all able to give financially to make this possible, then please visit this page. The family is also very grateful to be lifted in prayer through the coming weeks and months as they seek to save their daughter's life.

There is also good news. Last Monday, we received the notification that my work permit was approved. YEAH!!! It has been paid for and this coming week I will go to immigration to get it put in my passport. The crazy part is that 2 years was requested, yet somehow I was approved for 3 years. Not to worry, this doesn't mean I have to stay here for 3 more years. It just means I can come and go as I please for 3 years without paying for a visa.

TOP PICTURE: Just another unique load on the back of a boda (a motorbike used to transport goods and people).
It's artistic if the subject is almost out of the shot, right? I hope so...some moments are hard to capture when traveling through town. Also, my friend was driving. 
Round 1 of pizza for my friends. 
The car has been great and already super helpful for transporting things that don't fit on a boda easily. 
Round 2 is finished and I'm quite happy at our successful endeavor in the kitchen.
The car has also developed an ornery battery. Thankful for this power bank with connectors (that's on loan) that started it a few times.  
It was super fun to host two AIM missionaries from another part of Uganda. They were in the big city for a number of reasons and I was happy to offer them my extra set of keys. One evening another friend came over and the four of us made our own pizzas. I was delighted with our success. (Pictures above)

As you probably know, one of the biggest Earthly factors that allows me "to do what I do" is by the generous giving of monthly and other regular donations. With almost 3.5 years with AIM, it is understandable that things will change for donors in that same amount of time. I've certainly had a lot of changes. Right now, I am about $400 short for my monthly support. Please pray for me as I seek out the best way to fulfill this deficit. 

-The Tabu family of my home church in Kampala. That they would feel our Lord's presence through this very difficult time. That the finances would come so they can get safe and reliable heart surgery for their young daughter.
-Praise for my work permit getting approved and for longer than we asked. (Often times a shorter amount of time is given.) Pray the time at immigration office goes smoothly this week.
-Thankfulness that I'm able to provide a place for other missionaries when they need to be in the city.
-Direction as I seek the best way to communicate my financial needs to potential supporters. Pray that I would be led to the right people or groups. Pray they would be open to a commitment and hear God's calling. Pray for me to have the right words to communicate what is needed.
-Pray for two colleagues (and their families) from the office that leave for home assignment in the next few weeks. Please pray for their transition back to their passport country and for the transition in the office.
-Please continue to pray for my friend that moves back to America for a season after three years in Uganda. 

Sunday, May 6, 2018

NEWSLETTER: May 2018 part 1

Catching up with the happenings
6 May 2018 - Catching Up, Part 1

Greetings dear friends - 

There's been so much to write about, yet I've had a difficult time slowing down enough to be present in the moment and get it done. Not to worry....I've kept a list and hope to send the rest of the news by the end of the week.

Things in the office continue on per usual. There are a number of meetings in Kenya over the coming weeks and some from the office will be there. A few of us will hold down the fort.....or maybe we will just go relax by a pool and eat ice cream. We have seen the completion of a team within the region. Throughout the last year or so, teammates have trickled in to come and serve in Moroto, Uganda. The team is serving among the Karimojong in northern Uganda. This is a very large people group that has many barriers and strongholds that each must overcome to know the Lord. Please pray for this team as they continue to grow together and support each other through challenges and successes.

Have you ever realized how these two concepts are so tightly related? It is similar to saying that there is no such thing as dark. There is only absence of light. Inspired by this blog on Velvet Ashes, I've been really torn with this concept lately. The more and more I get engaged here and build relationships, the more and more it seems like I am missing out in the events and happenings of your lives. This truly is a daily battle recently. If I set aside time to be available to you and invest through some form of technology, then that takes away from my ability to be present in my life here. This isn't simply a matter of time management. It is more closely related to never truly being at home. Yet, at the same time I write this from my apartment that is definitely a place I call home and love to spend time here. ..........I hope these contradictory ramblings make some sort of sense.

Probably one of the biggest noteworthy items is that I was able to buy a car. Or maybe you bought a car. Or we bought a car. Many, many thanks to all of your financial support over the years that has enabled me to make this life changing purchase. Part of the monthly support goes into an account called "work funds" and I was able to use the money from this account to buy the car. I am truly endlessly thankful for your ongoing faithful giving and the support structure AIM provides so that I was able to move quickly when an ideal car was available!!

The look of disbelief and joy when I bought the car.
First day driving in Kampala. 
What happens when I'm not overwhelmed with the joy. 
L-This was the day the car was brought to me and the keys handed over. I just kept looking at it and smiling. It was hard to believe it actually happened.
C-My friend, Kelsey, graciously rode with me on the first day (and other times) to help and offer much appreciated advice.
R-Some things never change and buying a car does come with the reality of other aspects.

The church I found just a few months before returning to America continues to be my church home. I am so thankful for the people there and the Bible based teaching that is challenging and encouraging. Today, a group of us spent the afternoon celebrating the birthday of a friend who also happens to a be a pastor at the church. Although we were there to celebrate and honor him, it was actually quite the honor for me to be there and join them. It is small things like these that really make you feel part of a community.

Last month I also started attending a cell group at church. This is equivalent to life group or small group or.....probably a number of other terms. We gather on Tuesday evenings and dig deeper into the sermon from two days prior. The only downside is that it makes for a long day early in the week as I leave at 7:30 to get to work and don't get home until around 9:30pm. I'm thankful for the opportunity to get to know a few more folks from church and around the city.

The first thing I want to ask you to do is to check out PrayAfrica!!! That is a website that has been put together to share prayer updates for specific unreached people groups. I encourage you to subscribe to the website as a whole or to individual pages for people groups. You could subscribe to just the ones for Central Region and join myself and those I work with in seeking to reach the lost in the countries we serve.
-praise for good health. Though I had one of these pesky colds a few weeks ago, I have actually been quite healthy so far this year and it is lovely.
-pray for a fast learning curve as a piece together a map of the city while driving and for safe journeys around town with this new form of personal transport
-pray for my friend as she navigates the logistics and emotions of moving back to the states in about 6 weeks (just typing this fills my eyes with tears)
-praise for the opportunity for my brother to visit in July

With love and hugs from me to each of you,
With unending gratefulness for all the support you provide,
and with amazement at how fabulous our Heavenly Father is each and every day,


PS: For a fun little flashback....check out this news from October 2016. It is crazy how things are similar yet so different from 18 months ago!