Tuesday, December 17, 2019

NEWSLETTER: December 2019

Did you know?

Greetings to one and all from a hotel just south of St. Louis, Missouri. Today was meant to be a travel day. After a glorious weekend in St. Louis, a place filled with people and memories that are so essential to who I am, I was to drive the quick 3 hour trip to TN. However, the snow storm coming through was faster and stronger than expected so my quick trip became even quicker when I only made it about 30 miles and landed at a hotel for the day and night. I'm hopeful to continue the drive to TN tomorrow (Tuesday).

Did you know (before that opening paragraph) that I'm in America right now? 
I arrived just over a month ago. Landing on American soil in a snow storm actually. Per the itinerary I was to have my first transatlantic journey in under 30 hours. However, the snowball effect of flight delays added on some extra time and the journey was about 33 hours. I thought my arrival was well communicated, though mostly through social media and word of mouth. With hindsight, it seems worth noting in case this news did slip by some people. So far I have slept in four states and will add one more before the week ends. The odometer indicates I have spent about 1,450 miles / 2,334 km driving since being back.

Did you know I've been working on logistics?
A look back at the last few months in Kampala shows that one of the main aspects of my ministry is helping with logistics for our South Sudan Shuttles. All of our missionaries in South Sudan are in places accessible by road IF: there is enough time, good weather, skills for roadside car repairs, and a big piece of prayer. Within AIM we are so blessed to have be part of ministry and serve to support our missionaries. Roughly once a month we send supplies in by plane to help our missionaries thrive in the work they are doing to spread the Gospel in remote areas. I enjoy helping with the shopping and organizing it takes to get this done and look forward to joining the efforts in this when I return in May.

Logistics are also a big part of home assignment. These next few months will be filled with reunions, rest, rejuvenation, re-support raising, re-everything somehow. A few of you have been in touch about meeting with me. Please continue to let me know and follow up until we get something confirmed. After that happens, don't hesitate to follow up with me as appropriate because all too soon I'll be able to write something similar to this post.
A glimpse at some of the organizing that happens as supplies is purchased and prepared to be flown to south Sudan.
I had some fun in the snow Sunday evening when the first round came to the area.
Too many pictures depicting friends to choose just one so here's this one with an armful of friends and a glimpse of the beauty of the fall season in the background.
Did you know you can give any day?

Giving Tuesday was a couple weeks ago and some may say it is the season of giving anyway. So, there is the commercialized plug. More seriously though....giving is such a joy and I hope you find that joy in it this season. If you are looking for ways to give financially, please allow me to make two suggestions.

South Sudan Logistics: This project helps to raise funds that fulfill the monetary aspect of flying in supplies each month. You can click that link for a tiny bit more information and a place to give online. If you prefer to give in another format, please let me know and I will help you figure out those logistics. ;-)

Merry Missionary: This is through an organization that is doing many great things including finding ways to support full time missionaries around the world. This includes putting on retreats, bringing supplies, and helping family members visit. Myself and my friends have benefited from their retreat. Please note that gifts to this project will be tripled on Tuesday, Dec. 17 only. However, gifts can be received any day.

Be Well and Love Much,

Top picture: Sunset in TN that clearly shows God's creativity and His desire to give us beautiful things. I had the pleasure of chasing this sunset as I drove west after taking this picture.

A Life Overseas: This is a blog that is linked twice in this email. It is of great encouragement to me and many others. I reccomend you to read it as well as it may give you glimpses into my life overseas. 
Prayer Requests: 
  • Thankfulness - I'm so thankful I had the means to make a sudden hotel stop due to bad road conditions today. I'm also thankful that even though the intensity of bad road conditions was short lived for me, I was still able to get to a safe and warm place to wait out the storm.
  • Family - there will be lots of family time over the next couple weeks. Please pray for this time together. Pray for our conversations as we come together mostly next weekend. I get to travel with my brother as we see extended family over Christmas. Pray for our 17+ hours on the road (round trip) and for sweet memories with family as we are rarely able to gather together like this.
  • Communications - Pray that I would find the right words to communicate with people from the 90 second conversations to the visits that last a few days. (There have been some odd ones and I'm beginning to think I need to take one friend's advice and open with the line: I'm from Africa.)
  • Pray also that I would know when to listen to you. I want to be here for you as you need me. Not all conversations have to be focused on my time in Uganda. 
  • More gratefulness - I'm so very much thankful for the past few days in St. Louis. I was able to connect with people I hadn't seen in over 10 years. Their reciprocated excitement, memory of me, interest in my life, and kind words were so life giving to me the last few days. And in the midst of that meeting some new people was also very exciting to me. (And bonus: then God topped it all off with snow.)

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

NEWSLETTER: June 2019 Looking ahead

What is ahead?

As my communication seems to be dwindling, I thought I would offer some little bits of knowledge on what I do know about the future....at least known events.

The first major event on the horizon is I am going to South Sudan to visit our teams there. I will fly up on 27th July and spend a long weekend there, traveling by air each day. I feel rather honored to get this opportunity. It didn't actually feel real until today when my visa was approved and put in my passport. This is a great chance to get a better understanding of what life is like for our missionaries there and how we can best support them from Kampala.

Just after that, I am taking another few days for some holiday in Ethiopia. I will get to see the same friend that came to visit me in April. She has been able to get an amazing trip organized and this will be so much fun! It is good to get out of the normalcies (good and bad) of big city Kampala life and I think these two trips will definitely provide that.

In August, we have our regional conference that happens every other year. I help to plan for this and coordinate some logistics as it gets closer. We are thrilled to have a team and speaker come from the U.K. The team will have a program planned for kids and a separate one for our teens. This is a great opportunity to spend time with people that we so often only communicate with via email.

Possibly the most exciting event on the calendar is going to begin just as August comes to a close. My mom and brother will come visit for two weeks. All three of us are so excited; though it probably shows in our own unique ways. I've been working on a schedule for while they are here. I think they will be more excited about the sunrise at the Nile than Waffles was in the picture below.

That's a little snipet of what is on the horizon here. So at least now you have some idea of what I'm doing when I'm not communicating well with you. Many thanks for all your continued prayer and financial support. There never will be words that can effectively convey my gratitude for all that you do so I can do what I do.

Be Well and Love Much,


10 Highlights for 10 Weeks - Part 2

Recently, I haven't communicated well. I shall assume that you offer continued forgiveness on this and for that I am grateful!! Life continues on here. The "10 for 10" line was supposed to highlight 10 things in my first 10 weeks in Uganda after returning at the end of January from a short sabbatical. I'm pretty sure an additional 10 weeks (plus more) has passed since the first part. Not to worry...I remember (most) of what I was going to wright for part 2 and all of what's in my brain is still applicable. Without further delay, let me get right into it.
6. News from the office 
New job and new boss.
That's right, a couple months back, I switched jobs. Surprise! I still work at the same place and serve the same amazing missionaries around central Africa as we seek to further the Kingdom. I was asked to consider and did accept the position of Office Manager. I realize this isn't the typical thing that comes to mind for someone serving overseas for mission work. There is much admin and background work that goes into the organization (and probably any company). Leaders have noticed my ability to see how different parts overlap and work together. In this new role, I try to keep they overlapping pieces working and interacting smoothly. It puts me in a position to see processes and put things in motion to make improvements where needed so that we can serve the missionaries in our region more efficiently which will in turn spread the Gospel. 
The leader for our office and region has also changed or is changing. This has been a long anticipated and planned for change as the previous one and his family have needed to transition back to America. The new one will start on Monday after we've had an interim and unique transition time. Please pray for this ongoing transition in the office. I think some of us, myself include, are still processing the grief as one leaves and the anticipation as a new leader comes.
Picture: My office complete with some pictures hanging above the computer and a lovely chair for visitors when someone comes to see me.
Prayer Point: Please pray as my new role continues to develop and gain definition. Pray for clarity on how I should focus my tasks. Please pray as we continue this transition with our leader.  Pray that everyone would have grace for each other and that we would all of a learner's attitude as we move forward under new leadership for the office and region.
7. Two Great Weekends 
At the time of starting "10 for 10" there were two fabulous weekends on the horizon. One of them was camping with two other ladies. Their husbands were gracious to take care of their kids and let the ladies get away. We stopped for an adventure at a ropes course on the way. It was incredible! We didn't know what to expect but it far exceeded anything we could imagine.
The second weekend was a friend coming to visit from Kenya over a long weekend. We had met at meetings in September and have stayed in touch. It was so great to be together again as she will soon make the transition across the ocean.
Picture: From the ropes course, here I am crossing the spider web section. It was sooo much fun!
Prayer Point: Though it is weeks later, please join me in praise for the time with my friends. Looking through pictures of these adventure out of the city and time with friend(s) on the long weekend, I was reminded of how blessed I am that God has provided the exact friends I needed in different situations.  
8. Doing Well 
You may remember that I went to the states for about six weeks at the beginning of the year. In a nutshell, the last quarter of 2018 had worn me down and I needed a major reset. Thankfully, my leaders acted and suggested I get a break and some much needed rest. Since returning at the end of January, I am so thrilled to say that I have been doing well. Actually, just last week, a good friend was telling me that she can still tell that I doing really well. It is reassuring to know that is seen from others and not just my opinion. I'm still human and this is still life so there are times of homesickness and the typical bad day everyone gets from time to time. In all the greatness, I am sure that Waffles (my dog) plays a part in this. She's been a great addition to my life.
Picture: Waffles and I just laying around enjoying life.
Prayer Point: Please join me in thankfulness for this time in the states at the beginning of the year. Thankfulness that AIM has policies and procedures in place for such a time and need. (I've learned not every organization has this.) I'm ever thankful for all the logistics coming together of where to stay and how to get around. I'm thankful for the time that I had with a variety of people, each one that encouraged and helped in their own unique way. I give thanks that even months later, it is clear how wise that decision was and that the rest and encouragement received sustains me still.
9. Revolving Door 
This is a recurring topic and will remain a hot topic as long as I live this life. The revolving door of friends continues to revolve. I often tell people that there's no way for any orientation to cover this aspect of expat life. There is something so unique about the bonds formed overseas and when those bonds get stretched over an ocean, much grief is had for all involved.
The above picture is from my balcony. Somehow the light area, dark clouds, and obvious rain seemed fitting for such a situation with a variety of emotions. Light - thankful for the good, the memories with friends. Dark - the gut wrenching feeling as people transition away that builds as the time approaches. Rain - the messy feelings of everything all mixed together and yet one must keep going through it all.
Prayer Point: Join me in praise and thankfulness that God provides amazing friends to provide the support needed while our paths overlap. Please pray for the undefined loss as our paths part and we both make adjustments. Pray for these friends that are settling into America after up to 10 years of service in Uganda. Pray for the new friendships to form and current ones to deepen as I mend the holes of support these friends provided to me. 
10. Home Assignment is Coming 
This picture is from a day a while back when I started dreaming a little about what my next time in the states would look like. At the time it was some months away. However, soon it will be just four months away. That's right! In early November I will be headed to the states for 6 months. AIM refers to this as "home assignment". Historically, some may have referred to this as furlough. The problem is that furlough gives an implication that rest may be sole focus of this time. Other high priorities include seeing many of you, sharing stories about this term (since 19 April 2017), and raising more support where needed. Now is the time to start thinking about if you want to spend some time with me or if you have a group that may be interested in hearing about my small part in AIM's efforts to spread the Gospel in Africa. Just a few days ago, I made some tentative plans with friends for December. I started looking at filling in the time before and after and it made me realize how blessed I am to have so many people to see and places to go. It does mean that you should speak soon so I can get you on the list as I put the calendar together.
Prayer Point: Please pray that I would remain present in life here and still find the right times to start planning for my time in the states. Please begin praying for the big details like transportation and a place to stay. I am praying for a place that I can use as a "home base" of sorts instead of continually going from one to another like I did in 2017. 

Well, I will consider you a little bit more caught up on the happenings. I'd love to hear of the happenings in your life as 2019 reaches the midway point.

Top picture: from the camping trip with friends. A simple sunrise selfie at the Nile.

Be Well and Love Much,

Monday, April 8, 2019

NEWSLETTER: April 2019

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10 Highlights for 10 Weeks - Part 1

Recently, I heard someone say that the reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once. This may or may not been heard on a show, though it also appears to be a quote from Albert Einstein. It seems that somehow 10 weeks have passed since I returned to Uganda after a short notice trip back to the states for some sabbatical time. In all that time and in the time before, so much has happened. I am so thankful all of it didn't happen at once. For the sake of a catchy line, I thought I would highlight 10 things. I will go back into the end of last year to help ensure you are caught up on the highlights. 
1. Moved in November.
Surprisingly, even some friends here are just now finding this out. I'm not sure how I managed to move in the middle of November and have it be not common knowledge. Since getting a vehicle almost a year ago, my life has had more opportunities. One of these means that it is no longer as necessary to live so close to the office. I had been wanting to get closer to church. With the ever evolving door of expats, my community of friends in the city has shifted too. The picture above is the front of the building that is now my home. I am in the half that is closest in this angle. There are two bedrooms and bathrooms up and the rest downstairs. I have loved being able to host weekly bible study group from church now that I am closer to those in my church community.
Prayer Point: Though there have been many blessings, the change to living here has had some challenges. Please pray for wisdom and guidance in these. 
2. Visitors and Waffles 
At the end of November, I was blessed to go to a missionary retreat by Go Be Love. Possibly the best part of this was that my friends were not only leading the retreat but staying after to visit. Visiting doesn't truly describe all that they did. They encouraged me, served me, helped me, cared for me (I was sick while they were here), spoke wisdom into a difficult decision, and so much more. With them around, I laughed to tears and felt so loved.
While they were here, I got a dog! Yep, I am a proud owner of a 4 year old Ugandan special (local mix breed). She was with another family and had been named Waffles. So Waffles she is. she often finds a way to be the center of things as she did in the above picture and was in the center (though under it too) of a card game. She's been fun and challenging.
Prayer Point: Though it is months later, please join me in praise for the time with my friends. Even nearly 4 months later, I am still amazed that they would make the sacrifices they did so that they could be with me for so long.  
3. Time in the states 
Towards the end of my time with my friends, it was becoming clear that I was actually having quite a difficult time. Life had been a bit too crazy for too long and through all of that, I hadn't been doing anything to care for myself. I am blessed more than I deserve in the support of AIM and the leaders I have. They suggested I take a break and go to the states. With all the travel on both ends, it was an even six weeks from leaving Ugandan soil until I returned. The time in the states was so many things. It was so needed, so delightful, so challenging, so restful, so blissful, so surreal, and more. The challenging part was accepting that it was okay that I needed the break. Some of my time was spent at this lovely place and enjoying a tasty treat by the (electric) fireplace. I hope to go back at least once next time I'm in the states. Even today, I was in agreement with one of my leaders that it was good I went willing when I did. Otherwise, we both know I would have been told to go not too long after that.
Prayer Point: Please join me in thankfulness for this time in the states. Thankfulness that AIM has policies and procedures in place for such a time and need. (I've learned not every organization has this.) I'm ever thankful for all the logistics coming together of where to stay and how to get around. I'm thankful for the time that I had with a variety of people, each one that encouraged and helped in their own unique way.
4. Church Family 
Once I returned, I was delighted to get back to my church here. The first Sunday back, one of my good friends told me it looked like five years had been lifted from my shoulders. I'll never forget this. It speaks so much into the value of that time in the states. It also helps people all around (including myself) that there was such a noticeable difference. I recognize that there difficulties no matter where you live, but once out of your roots and known culture for an extended time, it is refreshing to be back even with the oddities of reverse culture shock. I am so thankful for the friendships that are deepening at church. I am thankful for friends that text me Sunday evening to make sure I'm ok after missing church one time. (I really just needed 24 consecutive hours at home.)
This picture is from an even called Cell Fest. It is something the church has in March and is a time for fellowship and, of course, food. Cell group is the term of the weekly studies that happen around the city. What's the popular term in the states these days? I was so happy to be able to host everyone. It was a great time together all around. Clearly we ate well too!
Prayer Point: Again join me in praise and thankfulness for the church home that I have here. I am so thankful for the friendships that have stemmed from being there. Please pray that our cell group would continue to thrive each Tuesday evening. Pray that we would be open and honest with each other, encourage each other, as well as challenge everyone. 
5. You are mine, come back to me. 
This picture is from the first morning I went back to the office in early February. This is nearly the same avoidance treatment that Waffles give me each morning. Don't be misled by the number of adorable dog photos on my phone, it has been a challenge with her. Since I left so quickly after bringing her home, it was understandably a bit of a challenge to earn her loyalty and trust back. So many times I've called her to me while she lays at the neighbor's door. She would leave me while I actively pet her to go run if she heard the door next door open. Through this annoying struggle, it had me thinking.....how often are we waiting by something that won't help us and God is calling us back. Our Saviour wants us to know we belong to Him. He is waiting with His arms open wide just as my door (and arms) are open wide for the dog to come and be loved. So many times I've told her, "I pay your bills, you belong time me." Have you found yourself being called back into belonging and closeness with our Lord while you are seeking fulfillment in an empty place?
Prayer Point: Please pray that I would seek my deepest joy from our Lord. Pray that I would desire the closeness and make it my priority each day. Pray that I would know to whom I belong and have confidence in the things that don't have a stronghold over me.

Well, I will consider you half way caught up on the highlights. As I wouldn't want you to have to read and process everything at the same time, I will wait and send the second half another day.  The second half includes a recurring topic, fun days, and news about how I spend my days.

Be Well and Love Much,

Saturday, January 26, 2019

NEWSLETTER: January 2019

New Year begins with Resting.

Greetings to one and all.

The amount of appreciation I have for each of you in the various ways you support me is never able to be put into words. Just a few days ago, I reached FOUR YEARS with Africa Inland Mission. It is amazing to look back and see how each person came along in different ways all along the way to make this journey possible.

Most recently I am thankful for both leadership in Uganda and those dear to me in the states that are always available to offer wisdom and encouragement when needed. This became needed in December and I didn't even realize it until those closest to me were willing to speak honestly with me. After sharing with friends/leaders about how it seemed to be a difficult time, the idea was presented to me to essentially have a bit of a sabbatical, especially with the holidays right around the corner. After talking with a few people, it became clear that this unexpected time of rest was much needed. I quickly made some arrangements and I was off to the airways.

It has been an emotional, restful, beautiful, challenging, chilly, never snowy enough, memory filled time being in the states. As this time was meant specifically for rest I did not share this ahead of time. There was such a limited time to see people and I so appreciate your understanding of this. Do know that it was often challenging to not just go and see everyone when I was close to friends. However, God made it clear that He wanted me for Himself and He wanted me to be still.

Top picture: taken in East TN as the sun dropped below the horizon leaving a beautiful display of how light breaks the darkness even in small amounts
I would not be truthful if I said I didn't SEE snow. 
Happiness really is going to your favorite coffee place especially when its with friends (not pictured). 
What a blessing to get a chance to eventually have enough for some short fun in some cold temperatures. 
Too many pictures depicting friends and food to choose just one so here's this. 
I have much appreciation for everyone that helped with details and logistics. Do know that I will return in November for a period of about 6 months. This will be a proper Home Assignment as I had in 2017 and I will be eager to see each of you as well as share about how God is moving in Central Africa.

It brings my heart so much joy to look through the flurry of pictures with friends from the last few weeks. I was blessed to meet children that have been born since I was last in America and make more memories with friends of all ages. There never seems to enough time as each "see you next time" gets harder. For now I'll hold tightly to the memories and technology that provides connections.

I will be traveling back to Uganda over the weekend and look forward to going to one of my homes. This short trip has certainly reinforced the fact that there are many places I can call home.

I look forward to being in the states at the end of the year.

Be Well and Love Much,

Below picture: Sunset in Western TN that clearly shows God's creativity and His desire to give us beautiful things
Prayer Requests: 
  • Physical health: Join me in praising God that I stayed physically healthy through this trip even when there was obviously "something going around" where I was. May this continue through the travels. 
  • Catching up on return: pray for the details of this and that to come together quickly as I get going in Kampala. With moving a month before leaving on short notice, there is still settling to be done and various other tasks I'd like to get done in the next week. 
  • Pray for wise transition: Pray that I get back into things in a smooth way and that I don't dive in too deep too fast and end up right back where I was in a few months. 
  • Pray that lessons learned and lessons still being emphasized would continue to sit in the forefront of my mind. Pray that I would take time for myself and ignore lies the enemy tells me. 
  • Give thanks for the provision of a trip such as this. It was only possible because of those that continue to prayerfully and financially support me leading to details coming together.