Tuesday, June 25, 2019

NEWSLETTER: June 2019 Looking ahead

What is ahead?

As my communication seems to be dwindling, I thought I would offer some little bits of knowledge on what I do know about the future....at least known events.

The first major event on the horizon is I am going to South Sudan to visit our teams there. I will fly up on 27th July and spend a long weekend there, traveling by air each day. I feel rather honored to get this opportunity. It didn't actually feel real until today when my visa was approved and put in my passport. This is a great chance to get a better understanding of what life is like for our missionaries there and how we can best support them from Kampala.

Just after that, I am taking another few days for some holiday in Ethiopia. I will get to see the same friend that came to visit me in April. She has been able to get an amazing trip organized and this will be so much fun! It is good to get out of the normalcies (good and bad) of big city Kampala life and I think these two trips will definitely provide that.

In August, we have our regional conference that happens every other year. I help to plan for this and coordinate some logistics as it gets closer. We are thrilled to have a team and speaker come from the U.K. The team will have a program planned for kids and a separate one for our teens. This is a great opportunity to spend time with people that we so often only communicate with via email.

Possibly the most exciting event on the calendar is going to begin just as August comes to a close. My mom and brother will come visit for two weeks. All three of us are so excited; though it probably shows in our own unique ways. I've been working on a schedule for while they are here. I think they will be more excited about the sunrise at the Nile than Waffles was in the picture below.

That's a little snipet of what is on the horizon here. So at least now you have some idea of what I'm doing when I'm not communicating well with you. Many thanks for all your continued prayer and financial support. There never will be words that can effectively convey my gratitude for all that you do so I can do what I do.

Be Well and Love Much,

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