Thursday, November 3, 2011

Three Boys!!

During the August trip, we went to a place called Korah in Ethiopia. Simply put it is the village that has built up around the city dump of Addis Ababa. It was originally a leper colony. Now, there are still some lepers that live there but mostly it is families, kids, and people that are not blessed in the ways that we take for granted.

We were able to spend time with the kids there. It was such a joy to love them and laugh with them if only to give them smiles for a day. A while ago, someone from another Visiting Orphans trip was impacted enough to want to continue making a lasting impact on the kids of Korah. From this, the organization Project 61 was created and is working to change the lives of these kids. One way they offer, is to allow those that are able to sponsor kids in Korah. Sponsorship helps the kids have food, clothes, school, and more. 

In August a group of boys started to talk to me and we talked the entire time that I was there. Only two of them had reasonable English. These two translated between me and the other boys. It became very clear early along in the conversation that three of the boys do not have any sponsors. Continually they would ask me for sponsorship. It was a difficult situation. I know that they want help but I also know that they are fully aware of how to pull at the heartstrings of the "rich white people" that come to see them. I never promised a sponsorship. I did tell them I would try to help them. I would try to find sponsors. They even asked me to take individual photos of the three boys that needed sponsors to show to my friend. I asked for their names and they wrote them done willingly.

Upon return, I contacted Project 61 with the names of the boys and wanted to see what I could do. I was heartbroken when I found out that none of the boys were part of a sponsorship program and could not be added until all the kids int he program were sponsored. Surprisingly enough, the boys have access to an internet cafe and had emailed me a few times. I was devesstated when I had to give them the news. I felt like I was telling them that they are poor, live in a dump, and everything else, but they just aren't poor enough. I hadn't heard from them in about a month.

Then. . .

About two weeks ago, I get a message from Project 61. They asked if I was still interested in helping to get these boys sponsored. I responded with a resounding YES!!!

I am so excited to tell you that a sponsor has been found for all three boys! As soon as all the paperwork is finished in Ethiopia, these boys will be officially sponsored. I am so excited for this. I am excited that they will now have better opportunities. I hope they are as happy as I am.

Even better. . . . I may get to see them next month on the trip. . . .