Friday, July 26, 2013

Bucket List

Classic, yes I know.
But it's been on my mind and I think it is an interesting way to track goals. It may also be interesting to see how they change over time. Will they be more relational, career oriented, free spirited, or make no sense at all?

Let's start with some things that I have done that are definitely bucket list worth.
1. skydiving [July 20, 2013, Waverly, TN]
2. white water rafting [Colorado, class III; Alaska, class V]
3. hike through a bamboo forest [May 2008 with my mom]
4. swim with a dolphin
5. hike the Grand Canyon, well....part of it[April 2001; 8th grade class trip]

Now for some things that are yet to be completed. My plan for this list is to see what I can come up with on my own over the next few weeks. Then, I might look at other bucket lists and steal some ideas. Also, I plan to add to it and note when goals are added as well as when anything is accomplished.

1. get married
2. be a mom (not necessarily biologically, could be through adoption or just role model/influence)
3. least one more time
4. run a 5K
5. run a 10K.....maybe
6. photos taken on railroad tracks
7. move to Africa
8. love unconditionally
9. go to Niagara Falls
10. go on a trip by train....even if its just one way
11. go to a comedy show (preferably Jim Gaffigan, Jeanne Robertson, or Brian Regan)
12. ride the tallest swing ride (currently at Six Flags over Texas in Arlington stands at 400ft and 35 mph)
13. go to Redwood National/State Park in California
14. see a giraffe in its natural habitat
15. see the Northern Lights
16. ride a horse at top speed (or at close as safely possible)
17. change someone's life by teaching them something
18. laugh until I cry....over and over and over
19. love someone that has never experienced love
20. ride a hot air balloon
21. repeat 20 at sunset
22. ride a horse on the beach
23. have a joyful life
24. spread joy to others around me
25. go to a circus
26. go to a drive-in movie
27. road trip on Route 66

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekend Motherhood

A Short Story about Weekend Motherhood:

Excitement of the weekend grows from Monday morning until Friday afternoon. Each day of the week passes and the anticipation grows. Every American family looks forward to the weekend! Even if someone has to work for part of it, the stigma of the words Saturday and Sunday bring joy. Some weeks the clock ticks away slower than a snail crossing a 6 lane interstate. Other weeks, the hours fly by faster than free fall while skydiving.

The dad is busy at work. Each day it gets harder and harder to get up and tackle the day. Some days he leaves earlier than the sun rises to meet friends for coffee. The work wears on him but he continually reminds himself of his sweet daughters and beautiful wife to power him through the day. He is tired at the end of each day and longs for the weekend when he may be rejuvenated by the precious moments he will have with his family.

The mom is always going to the next thing while soaking up what the day offers. Everyday she feels she must accomplish something. She has her lists both physical and mental and tackles them from every angle. She assures that appointments are kept. She run errands from one side of town to the other. She always has her eyes open for ways to teach her kids.

The kids are two girls. The are curious, happy, sweet, smart, and full of endless potential. They love to help their mom. They are always ready to greet their dad with hugs and kisses when he returns home from work. The may not always play nicely together but they always love each other. The will be there for each other at every mile stone, tear, and celebration.

Finally, it happens. The clock strikes 5:00 p.m. on Friday. The work week is over. The dad returns home. He is greeted by his precious daughters and loving wife. Hugs and kisses are shared between everyone. Peace comes upon the home as the family is all together. Even the family dog seems to know it is the weekend and great things will happen.

Saturday morning comes and the dad meets friends for coffee and fellowship. The mom has a few hours with her sweet girls. There is nothing officially planned but she secretly hopes to mark a few things off her lists so that the family can make memories together later that day. Unfortunately, she is forced to alter her plans because one of her daughters is not feeling well. She handles the situation with ease. Sometimes the best medicine is some sweet snuggles with mom and that is what this child had on her prescription. The mom spends her day not only caring for the sick child but also doing everything she can to help prevent the dad and others from getting sick. All the while, she is in the front lines caring for her daughter. By the end of the day the child seems to be improving. Although, her sister is now not quite up to par.

At bedtime, the mother just can't leave the child's side. She sits. She waits. She prays. She longs for her sick children to be better. Something holds her back and she cannot go to bed. She stays at the child's side. Eventually she lays down her head and continues the waiting. It is as if she forms a protective barrier around her daughter, laying in such a way that she almost surrounds her. The previously restless child becomes settled and calms down in her sleep. But the mom stays.

The mom, like any other, wants nothing more than to have her child be consumed with healing, peace, and comfort. She is not worried that she has not run errands today. She is not worried that there are dirty dishes. She is not consumed with the yard work that needs done. Her thoughts are not concerned with the upcoming week. The mom simply wants her child to be free from sickness. She lays her on daughters bed at her side through the night. No matter the situation she stays and is ready to move a mountain or empty an ocean if that's what her daughters need. The mom is always there with unconditional love.

(Based on a true story.)

Reading this story, I felt like I saw something. I saw the endless devotion of a mom. I saw how far a mom's love can reach. I have seen an 8 year old go on a church trip with her father and on the return trip have a steady flow of tears in anticipation of seeing her mom. I have seen moms petition for the safety of their kids after a horrible accident in an elementary P.E. class. I have seen a mom close her eyes and soak up the moment when her child runs to her just to be in her arms and hug her. I have seen many glorious mom moments. However, there was something about this story. I saw something else and I don't know how to describe it. But because of it, I can now say with confidence that I will be adding something to my bucket list.  Now, one of the most important things on my bucket list is to be a mom.

Monday, July 15, 2013


Some time ago I had a very short lived patch of frustrating days. At some point towards the end of this, God led me to realize how truly blessed I am. I've challenged myself to come up with 100 ways of why I am blessed. A mental list is all that I have made thus far, but I've decided to really put it together.

I am beyond blessed because I [have]:

1. a roof over my head every night
2. more than enough food to keep me happy
3. clothes of variety to choose from
4. a soft pillow to lay my head on
5. blankets to keep me warm
6. a car that is mine
7. the ability to put fuel in the car
8. a computer that connects me to endless people and allows me to share this with you
9. locks on doors to keep me safe
10. a Mom that loves me unconditionally to no end
11. the most wonderfulest brother a girl could ask for
12. the ability to worship my Savior without fearing for my life
13. been born in a country full of freedoms
14. traveled to Alaska.....six times
15. traveled to China with a great friend
16. traveled to China with my brother
17. traveled to China by myself
18. traveled to China with the bestest roommate ever
19. traveled to Africa with a wonderful friend
20. traveled to Africa and made life long friends
21. traveled to Africa and made more life long friends
22. gone to Rwanda for a month and saw God do big things
23. been white water rafting in Colorado
24. been white water rafting in Alaska on Class V rapids
25. been ice climbing in Alaska
26. built snow igloos in my grandparents' back yard....more than once
27. held orphans in my arms and told them God loves them
28. a trampoline in the backyard that I LOVE to jump on
29. Gwen and she cooks so so amazingly
30. Gwen and she always makes sure there is something I can eat
31. swam with a dolphin
32. been in an airplane
33. traveled to Hawaii
34. kayaked in the Pacific Ocean
35. swam in the Gulf of Mexico
36. taken a ride on a train
37. gone to many a Cardinals game
38. Ruth to watch do crazy things
39. Elizabeth to always make me smile
40. CLC
41. a Life Group that prays for me
42. a church family that supports the desires of my heart
43. another church family that barely knows me and still supports me
44. a phone that connects me to friends and family
45. a town that has free entertainment (i.e. movies in the park)
46. health insurance
47. dental insurance
48. car insurance
49. running water
50. electricity
51 internet access
52. a comfy couch to sit on and relax with friends
53. socks to keep my toes warm
54. shoes to protect my feet
55. an employer that let me leave for a month
56. co workers that are wonderful to work with
57. a high school diploma
58. two college degrees
59. enough hair to spare for other people
60. been skiing in Colorado
61. been skiing in Iowa
62. a cousin that will drag me on a tube behind the snow mobile
63. a friend with an amazing family that lets me come on vacation with them
64. played softball
65. played lacrosse
66. swam on a team
67. played basketball
68. a body that lets me be active and explore the world
69. a roommate that can read me like a book
70. had teachers that care about me
71. a teacher that let me take a test late just because I was going through a busy time
72. had coaches that taught me more than sport related skills
73. was on the winning team of an eighth grade rival basketball game
74. friends I can call any time of day
75. friends that will help me without asking why
76. great strong teeth
77. never had a cavity
78. never broken a bone
79. had very little experience with death (only been to two funerals)
80. never had to miss a meal
81. never been in danger because of my faith
82. never been sick more than the common unpleasantness
83. countless photos to help me recall wonderful moments
84. a pretty good memory
85. seen TSO in concert
86. been to City Museum
87. been to the beach (many of them)
88. never had to be in the hospital for illness
89. had the pleasure of having a canine companion
90. lived in the country
91. walked home because the van was stuck in snow (it was quite the adventure)
92. friends that trust me with their home when they are away
93. a brother that spoils me when I visit
94. popcorn to eat
95. can read
96. can write
97. can count
98. can type (without looking)
99. can write backwards
100. a God that sent His son to die for my sins and wants to have a relationship with me for eternity
101. a friend that helps me out when I'm over commited
102. friends that understand when I have to say no and take a break
103. extra pillows in the house that are easy to throw

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Where is the line?

Balancing is an act that seems to get applied to more and more aspects of life.

There is a need to balance:
sleep and wake time
fun and work
healthy and less healthy food
warm and cold
so much more

and recently a need to balance giving and more giving. What? How can you balance something and more of something? That doesn't make any sense! Let me try to explain...

In recent months, actually about two years, I have come across countless organizations and causes that I 100% love and want to support. Adoption fundraisers are popping up faster than spring flowers. More mission trips are going out than I can count. Children in foreign countries need to get sponsored and sent to school. Local neighbors and friends are struggling to meet basic financial needs.

Organizations are raising money for beds, mosquito nets, water, and countless other things that I take for granted. The men, women, and children that receive these things are only different from me in one way. Yes, there is only one thing that separates us. Do you have any idea what this one thing is? The one thing that makes me different from the kids that sleep on a concrete floor, the parents that make their children beg so there is money to get food, the families that fear illness because of mosquitos is the country in which we were born. Think about it! Any one of us could just as easily been born into a family that lives in a trash dump or begs for food. I don't know about you but this is pretty mind blowing to me.

To bring that rabbit trail back to the main path, I would like to say that my heart is burdened for these people. I have meet a family and been in their home that is at the trash dump. I have played with and daily think of kids that live in orphanages and hope to have a future other than living on the streets. My heart is heavy for these people that are the sons and daughters of Christ. I long for them to know their Heavenly Father and I long for them to have the essentials needed to thrive in their culture. They don't need cable, electronic gadgets, big houses, and closets full of stuff. They do need shelter, water, food, and safety, both physically and spiritually.

This is where the question is proposed. Where is the line? When do you draw the line and say that you can't help any more people? When do you say I have helped enough and now I need to save a little so that I may have such things also? If people gives literally 100% of their income, then how are they going to provide for themselves?

Today, I was blessed to give a gift to someone. It was not her birthday. It is not Christmas, nor is it Christmas in July. I just really wanted to give something to her. Focus on the middle part of the previous sentence: really wanted to give. What if everyone had that attitude? What if everyone really wanted to give? If everyone gave, would everyone receive?

Admittedly, I could not give 100%. My earthly ways and desires do not allow me to honestly believe that I would be provided with everything I truly need. So, where do I draw the line? When do I say, I can only help this, this, and this right now? When is it ok to say no to giving? Isn't giving much more enjoyable than receiving? I believe it is!!!! But there has to be a limit! So how do I balance giving with more giving?

Where do you draw your line? How do you decide when the giving needs to end?