Tuesday, December 17, 2019

NEWSLETTER: December 2019

Did you know?

Greetings to one and all from a hotel just south of St. Louis, Missouri. Today was meant to be a travel day. After a glorious weekend in St. Louis, a place filled with people and memories that are so essential to who I am, I was to drive the quick 3 hour trip to TN. However, the snow storm coming through was faster and stronger than expected so my quick trip became even quicker when I only made it about 30 miles and landed at a hotel for the day and night. I'm hopeful to continue the drive to TN tomorrow (Tuesday).

Did you know (before that opening paragraph) that I'm in America right now? 
I arrived just over a month ago. Landing on American soil in a snow storm actually. Per the itinerary I was to have my first transatlantic journey in under 30 hours. However, the snowball effect of flight delays added on some extra time and the journey was about 33 hours. I thought my arrival was well communicated, though mostly through social media and word of mouth. With hindsight, it seems worth noting in case this news did slip by some people. So far I have slept in four states and will add one more before the week ends. The odometer indicates I have spent about 1,450 miles / 2,334 km driving since being back.

Did you know I've been working on logistics?
A look back at the last few months in Kampala shows that one of the main aspects of my ministry is helping with logistics for our South Sudan Shuttles. All of our missionaries in South Sudan are in places accessible by road IF: there is enough time, good weather, skills for roadside car repairs, and a big piece of prayer. Within AIM we are so blessed to have be part of ministry and serve to support our missionaries. Roughly once a month we send supplies in by plane to help our missionaries thrive in the work they are doing to spread the Gospel in remote areas. I enjoy helping with the shopping and organizing it takes to get this done and look forward to joining the efforts in this when I return in May.

Logistics are also a big part of home assignment. These next few months will be filled with reunions, rest, rejuvenation, re-support raising, re-everything somehow. A few of you have been in touch about meeting with me. Please continue to let me know and follow up until we get something confirmed. After that happens, don't hesitate to follow up with me as appropriate because all too soon I'll be able to write something similar to this post.
A glimpse at some of the organizing that happens as supplies is purchased and prepared to be flown to south Sudan.
I had some fun in the snow Sunday evening when the first round came to the area.
Too many pictures depicting friends to choose just one so here's this one with an armful of friends and a glimpse of the beauty of the fall season in the background.
Did you know you can give any day?

Giving Tuesday was a couple weeks ago and some may say it is the season of giving anyway. So, there is the commercialized plug. More seriously though....giving is such a joy and I hope you find that joy in it this season. If you are looking for ways to give financially, please allow me to make two suggestions.

South Sudan Logistics: This project helps to raise funds that fulfill the monetary aspect of flying in supplies each month. You can click that link for a tiny bit more information and a place to give online. If you prefer to give in another format, please let me know and I will help you figure out those logistics. ;-)

Merry Missionary: This is through an organization that is doing many great things including finding ways to support full time missionaries around the world. This includes putting on retreats, bringing supplies, and helping family members visit. Myself and my friends have benefited from their retreat. Please note that gifts to this project will be tripled on Tuesday, Dec. 17 only. However, gifts can be received any day.

Be Well and Love Much,

Top picture: Sunset in TN that clearly shows God's creativity and His desire to give us beautiful things. I had the pleasure of chasing this sunset as I drove west after taking this picture.

A Life Overseas: This is a blog that is linked twice in this email. It is of great encouragement to me and many others. I reccomend you to read it as well as it may give you glimpses into my life overseas. 
Prayer Requests: 
  • Thankfulness - I'm so thankful I had the means to make a sudden hotel stop due to bad road conditions today. I'm also thankful that even though the intensity of bad road conditions was short lived for me, I was still able to get to a safe and warm place to wait out the storm.
  • Family - there will be lots of family time over the next couple weeks. Please pray for this time together. Pray for our conversations as we come together mostly next weekend. I get to travel with my brother as we see extended family over Christmas. Pray for our 17+ hours on the road (round trip) and for sweet memories with family as we are rarely able to gather together like this.
  • Communications - Pray that I would find the right words to communicate with people from the 90 second conversations to the visits that last a few days. (There have been some odd ones and I'm beginning to think I need to take one friend's advice and open with the line: I'm from Africa.)
  • Pray also that I would know when to listen to you. I want to be here for you as you need me. Not all conversations have to be focused on my time in Uganda. 
  • More gratefulness - I'm so very much thankful for the past few days in St. Louis. I was able to connect with people I hadn't seen in over 10 years. Their reciprocated excitement, memory of me, interest in my life, and kind words were so life giving to me the last few days. And in the midst of that meeting some new people was also very exciting to me. (And bonus: then God topped it all off with snow.)