Thursday, September 29, 2016

NEWSLETTER: September 2016

A few raw thoughts for you to peruse as you wish.....

Often, I'm not sure how to start...

The thing about these newsletters is that I often feel like I have to come up with something profound to share with you. I feel like you need to hear news that is exciting, news that is different, news that makes my time here seem worthwhile. But to be is really, really, really hard to do that.

The above quote from Elisabeth Elliot couldn't be farther from the truth for my time in Africa. I think we can all agree on that! It is one of those quotes that may lead to the phrase: expect the unexpected or don't expect anything.'s bad!
Another phrase that I must remind myself of almost daily: Comparison is the thief of joy.
Have you heard that before? Have you lived with that mindset? It's a hard thing to live with no matter the situation.

From the below picture:
Which dog do you think had the most fun?
Which dog was challenged the most?
Maybe the big one despises being wet and dirty.
Maybe the little one likes to play in mud.

I think living overseas can magnify the act of comparison. You see other expats that seem to thrive. You meet someone that absorbs language like a sponge absorbs water. Or it is the opposite and you rationalize a pat on the back. You see someone that recently arrived and fumbled through a simple cultural aspect. You hear someone complain about a piece of life that you think you conquered months ago.

In reality the people above may feel the same way about you. Everyday is a learning opportunity. Even after 10 months in Uganda, I feel so limited in my capabilities. There is always more to learn, especially when living in a culture that isn't your own.

[Pictures:'s bad; finding balance; fancy food]

Lately it seems that life is really a balancing act. I realized this as the rains have started here. When the ground is dry, there are rocks and gravel that slide around. When the ground is soaked, it is a slippery, muddy, mess. But there is somewhere shortly after the rain, when things are just right. The water has decreased because both the sun caused it to evaporate and the ground absorbed it for nourishment. 

My main area of balance now is between excitement and focus. To me it seems that my trip to the states is so close when I think about how far I've come. However, I want to be present here. There is much work to be done both on the computer and in the community as I seek to build relationships. A good friend pointed out that its ok to be excited as long as one doesn't constantly live in a state of looking to the future. Eventually, I realized I can be both excited and focused. It takes some intentionality at times but it is possible. 

And in the end....I try to be thankful (even for small things).
I'm thankful for
.........friends that are talented in the kitchen.
.........friends that share the product of their labour in the kitchen. cream. Being's a perk of city life. 
.........good coffee from Ethiopia.
.........finding a church that feels like home. that connects me to friends near and far. rain coat and rain cover for my bag.

Do you find yourself with a comparison mindset? What areas of life do you often compare to those around you? Are you comparing your bloopers to the highlight reel of others?
How do you find and maintain balance in different areas of life, both big and small?
And at the end of the day, what are the things that you are thankful for......even if they seem small.

Loving thoughts, warm hugs, and much gratitude -

Friday, September 2, 2016

Reading labels

Let me first start by saying that I'm trying a new thing. I thought I would try to post from my phone.

Hopefully this turns out well and then maybe I can post small things more often. 


Today I went shopping for a few things. One thing I was determined to find was: bouillon cubes. Two things gave me great hope: I recently saw them at a friend's place AND someone told me she saw them a few days ago at at the store I was going to today. 

It took about 5 trips through two aisles were they might be, but I DID find them!!

I'm realizing now I should have put something else in the photo for size reference. Just know there are only two cubes per box. Although they are more like cubes flattened into 3D rectangles. They definitely don't meet the geometric definition for "cube". 

I see what's on the left. 

This is just one small aspect of living overseas. You must learn to look at pictures and other context clues on labels. 

When I arrived home, I noticed the English on the reverse side.