Monday, June 20, 2016


First moving, then traveling......

On the move and joyful to settle!

Greetings from Kigali!

This month I have been on the move!

I mean this in the literal sense as I was able to find and move into my own place. It has been an absolutely wonderful feeling [through most of the process]. Moving in any country for any reason will have it's moments of stress and being overwhelmed. To be somewhere that truly feels like mine and will allow me to actually unpack and settle has created an indescribable joyous feeling.

Amidst the hustle and bustle of finding and buying anything from trashcans to a fridge to all things kitchen to cleaning supplies, I was fortunate to have time and technology to chat with my mom and brother.

Throughout the whole moving process, I have been truly blessed by a few friends that have been tremendous help. A couple friends have volunteered their time to drive me around to find/buy things and another friend offered her time to clean the kitchen. It really makes my heart smile when friends are willing to give their time and energy for something that will only benefit me.

Did you catch the city at the beginning?
It said Kigali!!
Yes, that's right!!!
This news comes from a hotel in Kigali, Rwanda.

I've been overwhelmed with delivered hugs and endless smiles as I get to spend time with two spectacular friends that are also my pastor and his wife from my home church in Clarksville, TN. They are leading a trip in Rwanda and will then come to Uganda to get a glimpse of my life there. Their visit has been highly anticipated and greatly desired. We've been together just over 24 hours and they have already renewed my spirit and overflowed my heart with encouragement. I can only imagine how fabulous and glorious the next two weeks will be with them.

Missing each of you so much but thankful for visitors to bridge the gap between you and me!
Much Love from Rwanda


COVER PICTURE: google stock photo with a highly applicable scripture

-The local version of "u-haul"......good thing it wasn't raining that day.
-It seemed like I achieved a new level of grown up status when I had to buy a fridge.
-My first moments alone in my new place.....just soaking it all in.

-Family picture while using facetime for family time.
-An amazing friend being a huge help by cleaning the kitchen so I can get things put away.
-After church today with two people that I really can't believe we are sharing life for the next two weeks. 


Wednesday, June 1, 2016


Small plane, kids, moving, and prayer requests....

A little trip....

Did you know that AIM has it's own aviation department?
It is conveniently known as AIM Air.

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to go on one of the flights from Kampala to Arua in northern Uganda. The plane was super small!!! There were only four seats. I was the only passenger so I sat next to the pilot with the controls literally at my fingertips and we each had one empty seat behind us. It was incredible to to see the landscape of Uganda as we fly over a forested area andMurchison Falls National Park. Then, as we approached the northern part of the country, it was intriguing to see the remote areas where national's live in traditional houses built in groups.

I was able to visit friends in Arua that serve with AIM Air. While there, we dreamed a little about how great it would be if I could stay there and work with them. We also went out of the town a little ways and enjoyed some fabulous fresh air with a beautiful view. [see top photo]

Being wanted & appreciated....

Blessed is the only thing that comes to mind when I think of being wanted and appreciated. The last few weeks I have really felt this both in my "day job" and as a friend. It is a wonderful feeling that I hope you get to experience on a regular basis.

It was really encouraging to be "wanted" by both my friends in Arua and those I have been working with in Kampala. Sometimes, some extra does of appreciate

I have been going to the neighbor's house the last couple months on Sunday evenings for a little prayer and singing time. It is transforming into friendships and an encouraging time of fellowship. Yesterday I was there for a birthday dinner and when I left my face hurt from all the smiles and laughs. Three kids there suddenly decided I was ok and before the evening was over I was sitting on the floor with a 2, 4, and 5 year old coming at me from all angles. I wasn't complaining and can't wait til we can do it again.

Flying over Murchison Falls National Park. 
This is one branch of the Nile, the falls are in the distance, and in the foreground is one of the landing strips for the park.
This is the plane I flew in to get to Arua.
It was an incredible experience!!
It was fun to pretend that I was working there.
Although, those in Kampala were not a fan of that plan and insisted that I return.

Big news....

I actually have two exciting bits of information that I want to share with you!
1. Prayers have been answered and I have found a place to live permanently!!!! After nine months of guest houses, hotels, and other people's places, I am beyond thrilled about this. Moving day should happen within the next week.
2. I'm going back to my roots and visitors are coming all in one! Visiting Orphans has a trip going to Rwanda in late June. This is the organization that I served with when I first came to Africa. The leaders just so happen to be two great friends from my home church and after I join them in Rwanda, the two of them will come to Uganda for a few days.

Prayer Requests....

-PRAISE for new housing that will be a more permanent situation. Please pray for the "things" to come together.....from buying a fridge to silverware and finding transport and physical strength to get everything up the stairs.
-PRAY for logistics of the trip next month to continue to fall into place
-PRAISE for an opportunity to see friends and show them a little bit of my life here
-PRAY for an easy transition to the new place and that I can feel settled soon even if on a small level

Many thank you's to you for all you have done. Can you believe I've been on this magnificent continent for 1 year and 4.5 months?!

Abundant grace and every blessing to you and your family!

With love,