Sunday, July 18, 2021

Season of Learning

Continually,  I feel like I am in a season of learning. 

I'm not one to name seasons very often, if ever. However, more and more, my heart and mind feel that this is a season of learning. 

Some of that is practical. Finishing my undergrad degree was certainly a time of learning. During lockdown, I have finished one workshop and will do another soon. In the first week of August, I will participate in conference that is also online. For months, I have had such peace about continuing with formal education and pursuing a master's degree. (I am very excited about this!)

The thing about education is that it prepares you for something. I truly feel that God will use this time to prepare me for something. I'm not sure what that something is. Perhaps all of this is also about networking. If I was ever in a party setting, I would talk to the few that I know and then end up playing with the dog in the corner. There's something different about learning. When everyone is seeking more, conversations, even if digital, seem to be more meaningful. I like the ability to make connections with people that are like minded both in the present and also looking to the future.

Would you be praying about this season of learning?