Friday, February 21, 2014

Flashback Friday: male influence

Fathers are probably the most influential male in everyone's life. I think this is probably true even if the biological father is absent. The lack of his presence will still influence a child in ways that I can not explain.

On my first trip to Africa in August 2011, I was part of a team of 20 people that came from 7 different states. Some of us knew each other already and some were coming on their own. Of these 20 people, there were only 2 guys on the team. This had very few implications for the team. However, for the children that we were going to see so we could share Christ's love, it was an unfortunate occurrence.

These children have almost no [direct] male influence throughout their young lives. The are influenced by the lack of [positive] male role models. They don't know it is happening and neither does anyone else. But I caught a glimpse of this. Of the 20 people on the team, one person was attracting the most attention at one place we visited. This team member was surrounded by kids. They all wanted attention; the wanted to be loved.

This team member was one of the guys. The children could get get enough of him. Fortunately, he felt the same way about them.

I share this with you so that you might encourage the men in your life to serve. I don't quite understand the reason that more women are acting on their call to missions. I don't know the reason. I wish I did!! Maybe you know the reason.

Who has been the most influential male in your life? positive or negative?
Can you imagine a life without that person?

Our Heavenly Father will always be there and love us unconditionally. But can you fathom no Earthly example of that love. Father, grandfather, uncle, neighbor……..I pray that you have someone in your life that fills that need for you. I pray the same thing for the millions of orphans in a continent so full of darkness. I pray that these kids will know they are loved even if it is for only one day. Even if one man goes on one trip, they will know.