Sunday, December 17, 2017

Newsletter: December 2017

SURPRISE!! It's me again!
You get two emails in the same week.
Are you excited?
I felt there were a few more things that I wanted to share now.

Did you know I can get mail? There is a post office here. Well actually there are multiple post offices here. Cards have gotten here in as fast as 10 days. How great is that?

AIM: Katherine Rowe
PO Box 4008

**hint, anyone mailing Christmas cards...

This is always the hard topic. But it is an important one too!! No ministry from Sunday mornings to college campuses to local outreach and everything across the world can function without the proper financial backing. God has lead me to be overseas for a few years now and as fast as things can change in a minute, so many things can change in a year. With that said, time has brought some changes to my financial situation. Some monthly supporters are having to stop with the end of 2017 and my monthly support target will be going up in 2018. This is obviously creating a deficit. Please prayerfully consider supporting me monthly for an ongoing basis. You may also consider a one time gift as these are helpful too. Follow this link to give online. If you are not led to donate, then please be sure to join me in prayer that the right conversations would be had with those that are called to give. If you would like more information including numbers and how monthly support works, then let me know!!! I will get back to you in January with details!
Notes from earlier this year.
Click the photo for a direct link to give right now.
You don't have to follow me long to hear/read the phrase "revolving door". People are often coming and going. The expat community is ever changing. People go to their passport countries for planned home assignments; some leave unexpectedly for medical reasons; others get called to serve our Savior in other parts of the world. Two families (not with AIM) but friends of mine left Uganda this week. And a handful of people that are with AIM are expected to arrive early next year. All of this means that there are a lot of goodbyes happening. Please pray for those that say goodbye on the field and those saying goodbye at home. Pray for the details to come together as one phase of life ends and another begins. Pray for relationships and roots to be established quickly in the new places.

As I wrote a few days ago, Christmas season is definitely in full swing now. I have a small collection of decorations for this time of year and have been gradually been putting a few things out. From card's I've kept to a nativity scene to a tree ornament I use as a tree and snow cut out snowflakes....anything helps to create the seasonal atmosphere. You know what though??? It's hard. The weather actually starts to get get warmer this time of year. Traditional foods are difficult to make because one struggles to find the right ingredients. The typical outdoor activities (cutting a tree, anything snow/ice related, looking at light displays....) can't be accomplished here. Parents long for their kids to have "normal" experiences as if they were in their passport countries. In short, this time of year can be really hard for missionaries. Please pray for the families to know just how to make the time special for the kids. Please pray for those that came to the field this year and are days away from their first Christmas without family. Please pray for friends and family at home (like you) that look around the room knowing someone is missing this year. Please pray for the busy ones that dive into a busy time of ministry over the next few weeks. Please pray for the individuals that don't have the built in community with family and seek to have memorable moments with others this time of year.

Sometimes you may have no idea what to do. That's ok. Sometimes that's how I feel and I expect that feeling tomorrow at the office. One thing you can always do is pray for health. This past week I had some gut issues disrupt my plans. After a visit to a clinic and some antibiotics, I'm doing much better. Just as being sick where you are greatly affects plans, the same thing happens here too!! It feels like quite the snowball effect (seasonal pun intended) as my role involves communicating with people around the world. So tomorrow as I go back to the office and try to dig myself out of the hole, I expect one of those moments of not knowing what to do. For all expats, anytime.....pray for health. Pray for healing. Pray for wisdom. Pray for trustworthy medical professionals. 

With love and gratitude for all you do for me,

Thursday, December 14, 2017

NEWSLETTER: November 2017

Greetings to you and your family!! Would you believe that I started this newsletter 15 days ago when I was in Kenya? It's true. I really did. I'm not really sure what happened to the last two weeks but here we are. I realize that Christmas is in full swing but we still need to catch up on November. 

Kenya Trip
Since I already mentioned it, we might as well start with Kenya. Don't get concerned by any means. I did not go to Kenya for health reasons. I actually went for work. It was quite exciting as I've never traveled for work before. The event that made it all happen was this workshop.  As you might have seen from the link, it is about using the COACHing model. This stands for: Connect, Outcome, Awareness, Course, and Highlights. It seemed like a simple concept before the workshop. But the three days was well spent. The practice sessions with colleagues from AIM were also great. I was able to see how it works as I coached someone that I had no idea how to help. However, the process proved true as she was able to come to action steps and realizations on her own. It also helped me and I saw how it could be applied personally. If you can't go to a workshop, then I definitely reccomend the book.

The other fabulous part about the trip was that I was able to spend the weekend with a friend in Nairobi! Although, technically that was December, so perhaps I shouldn't go too much into that. Just know that it was wonderful and lovely!

What is a newsletter about November without talking about Thanksgiving? Those I work with are quite diverse by passport. However, another group of American friends invited me to join them. We had also spent July fourth together so it only seemed natural that we celebrated another American holiday together. The food was fabulous. The fellowship was lovely and timely. I had instigated a game in July so I was asked to provide a game for Thanksgiving too. I think it turned out pretty good. See the photo below.
After the loneliness of October, I made some very intentional coffee dates with friends, or at least one friend. 
The room where we gathered for the COACH workshop. 
At Thanksgiving, I was in charge of the game. I made a trivia game for the group to play.
Just hanging around in the rafters at the ecolodge with friends. 
In Other News....
Do you remember the teaser at the end of the last email? I mentioned some planning for something exciting. I am so happy to report that this came to fruition. With a few other friends, I was able to get away for two nights at an ecolodge that is nearby. It was such a needed mini break. Two of the friends actually moved back to America this week so it was extra special to make those laughable memories with them.

November also brought my Ugandaversary. On 17 November I celebrated having moved to Uganda two years ago. There were no special festivities. Well, I did take the day off work and make myself some brownies from a mix I brought from America. It was a great way to celebrate. One day a friend pointed out how far I've come in those two years. Just thinking about running arounds around town or even simply getting around town....going to new places on my own....basically the common things you do when you have a life somewhere. It was great to hear a view from the outside as it is often easy for me to focus on the areas that still need improvement.

With love,

Top picture: The view from our classroom in Kijabe, Kenya. One of those peaks in the background is Mount Longonot....I'm pretty sure anyway.
Prayer requests: 
  • Much thanks that a lease was agreed on for another year so I can continue living in my same flat. 
  • Pray for moments of joy during this holiday season. The miles between us always seem longer this time of year.
  • Pray for those that have just come to Africa this year and this is their first Christmas away from home.
  • Pray for the ability to enjoy the moments with others
  • Pray for seems this is a season of leaving as the list of friends leaving Uganda seems to keep growing
  • Pray for courage to engage across the culture barriers
  • Pray for ministry opportunities.....I've been wondering what other ways I can engage here outside of the office

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

NEWSLETTER: October 2017

Well this is just over a week late (in my mind). However since most of you are out of Africa, you are probably to high on the sugary treats from last Tuesday and possibly a little disoriented from the recent time change. So perhaps you didn't notice my tardiness. Although, I think a few of you have some sort of internal clock as you start to text me when I'm late.

The month started off with a solid week of meetings. We had Short Term Forum from 1-7 October. On one day our group was as follows (by passport): 5 Americans, 4 Canadians, 3 Brits, 1 Hong Kong, 1 New Zealand, 1 Kenyan, 1 Ugandan, 1 Nigerian, 1 Swiss, and 1 Brazilian. Some of us are actively serving in Africa and the others represent different areas around the world that serve to mobilize people to come to Africa. Everyone there is involved in AIM's short term program. Other than the variety of accents, you wouldn't have know that most of us had never met and that we were so diverse. We were blessed with many good discussions, presentations, and fellowship throughout the week. All of this was a massive answer to so many prayers. [Note the picture below from when I presented about Central Region.]

This has also been a very reflective month. I've spent a lot of time processing the events of two years ago. If you joined me in this journey since then, you can get a glimpse of that time by reading a bit about what I call Iceberg Missionsand how plans change. I can't say for sure what led me to reprocess some of these events. But it did surprise me. I think too often we forget how specific events actually change us and have a lasting effects. I was reminded of that bythis article from Sojourners Blog and when reading it, apparently I was experiencing #3. So all of this has brought some lonely and very challenging days. However, a good friend reminded me that loneliness isn't just for expats, everyone has times of loneliness. But if you don't, then let me know how you prevent that!!

Another article that was shared from a colleague when she sent the last one, discusses how not to say the wrong thing. I highly suggest you read it, especially if you know someone that is grieving or afflicted by a difficult situation. 


LEFT: If you look closely, you can see me standing at the front. This is when I presented at Short Term Forum.
RIGHT: Mummies, monsters, ghosts, and spider cookies from last week.

Do know that October ended sweetly. The 31st was full of goodies....literally. That day I received an email from someone that is coming to visit our office later this month. The subject line of that email was "goodies"!! She was simply offering to bring me a treat. It was a lovely surprise and very generous of her to offer. I was also invited to a little gathering that evening of some families in the area. The host made sure there was both food for the meal and treats at the end that I could enjoy. It always warms my heart when families take me in whether it is for a few hours or a few years.

There are some other good things...but really the planning just started in the last few days of October. However, if all goes as planned (ha!) then it should give me something to write about next time. But the anticipation and planning has sure been enjoyable.

With love and gratitude for all you do for me,
Prayer requests: 
  • Many thanks for a successful week of meetings.....from safe travel before and after to the was a wonderful time together.
  • Thanks for new friends to fill in the gaps while other friends are away
  • Pray for the ability to enjoy the moments with others
  • Pray for seems this is a season of leaving as the list of friends leaving Uganda seems to keep growing
  • Pray for patience and openness in the work place....recently I find myself in frustrating ongoing discussions and I just want a decision to be made
  • Pray for courage to engage across the culture barriers
  • Pray for ministry opportunities.....I've been wondering what other ways I can engage here outside of the office

Saturday, September 30, 2017

NEWSLETTER: September 2017

And another month flies by...

In a matter of hours (minutes for me) it will be October.
How can that be? Wasn't I just traveling the midwest in America and celebrating birthdays in February? Or at the least I just came back to Uganda but even that was five months ago. It's making me realize how ordinary life is right now. Maybe that's a good thing. But are you aware of the "normalcy" of my life. Sure that normal happens in Uganda and has it's differences. But there are a number of similarities too and it's those similarities that make it hard to write sometimes. Because everything just starts to seem so normal to me.

I can't take much credit for this as reading this post really made me aware of the cause of the struggle to write. I encourage you to read that article. It's not very long. Actually, many of the posts on that site, A Life Overseas, may give you some insight into expat/missionary life.
LEFT: With a bit of a rainy season upon us, I'm excited to get to use my rain gear.
RIGHT:  I joined a group of ladies from a few countries for a two day retreat.

LEFT: Hanging out with a friend and her dog. 
RIGHT: We discovered it is possible to watch Bob Ross on youtube and follow along to paint with the added ability to pause for laughing or eating. 
When this ordinary feels so normal, it can be hard to write. And I truly feel like I've let a number of you down by not communicating very often. Please forgive me for this. Know that I'm very thankful for all that you do to support me. I'm thankful for the texts, emails, and especially the prayers. Even when I feel I can communicate, there are some things that are hard to say. For those things, I'll direct you to read this. If you want to hear/read my two cents on any of the topics the author lists, then let me know. I'd be happy to have an open line of communication for some of the difficult things.

Above all else, please do know that I'm grateful for how so many have provided in countless ways to make it possible for me to be here and follow God's will for my life.

Grace and peace to you and your family,

Prayer requests
  • Unity and clear communication for Short Term Forum (STF) that is hosted here in Kampala 1-7 October
  • For my time at STF as I continue to plan/coordinate logistics and also that I'm able to glean insight from the sessions
  • Contentment to dominate over comparison
  • Good health through the busy times (and all times, but it feels more important when life gets busy)
  • Thankfulness for time with friends as the revolving door of missionaries seems to rotate faster at times

Thursday, August 31, 2017

NEWSLETTER: July/August 2017

Hi. It's me, Katherine. I'm still around. Living in Uganda. 

If I had sent this a month ago.....

Would you believe me if I said I started this newsletter over a month ago? It's true. I did. In late July, I knew what I wanted to write and so I started a few things but then somehow....the business took over and now it is the 31st of August. The subject was going to be "Christmas in July". I had it all worked out. Mid July one of my friends at some visitors and they were gracious to offer some of their luggage space to bring a few things to me. At the end of July, after a few weeks of working from home, I started going back to work at the office. The first day back I walked in and on my desk was a gift of chocolate, dark chocolate. Ironically it arrived the first day that I stayed home and had sat there an entire month. Then, two days later I return for a few more hours at the office and there are five cards on my desk; mail is always very exciting!! So I had this Christmas in July theme to use. Since the subject was going to be "Christmas in July," I thought you might enjoy looking back at this videofrom last year. 

I'm definitely busier these days. The end of July and beginning of August was filled with preparations for our conference earlier this month. Around 100 adults and 50 children descended upon Kampala. The time together was refreshing for so many. For me it was lovely to finally put faces and people to names that I had been emailing and hearing about. A speaker came from the UK and he really invested in the lives of our members. 

Now that conference has finished (other than a few small lingering tasks) it would seem that some of my time would be freed. However, another event is just around the corner. We will host Short Term Forum here in Kampala. This is for those all throughout AIM offices that work with short termers. We will spend a week together to find ways to improve different aspects of the program. Since it is here in Kampala, I will be doing most of the logistics for those that are attending, about 20.

One of our essential leaders in the office has also gone on home assignment this week. Each of us will help to cover while she is away. So this has landed a few extra things on my desk as well. Although, only time will tell how much this will effect me. Some of the things I will take care of could easily be very minimal over the next few months...or I could really feel the added load as some my default to me while she is gone.

TOP PICTURE: Found on google. The words I came across sometime in the last couple months and they really resonated with me. For all the sayings that turn to platitudes, this one actually comforted me.


Left: Just before Conference, I realized I was working from both sides of my desk.......maybe I was busy. 

Right: Opening session of was great to finally have (almost) everyone together after so many emails and all the planning.

A quick snapshot from the birthday celebrations.

I'm also definitely healthier these days. I've been back at the office full time and it is great to be back with others. The first weekend after going back the office was questionable. I even let my mind wander to the possibility of malaria.......whatever it was...passed through in a few days and turned out not to be malaria. For that, I am very thankful. As per usual with me, it is safe to say that I didn't realize how sick I was until I started feeling better. With each step toward health I thought I was great again until I improved even more.

It is good that I'm physically healthy again now, especially since this week has been emotionally trying. One friend left for home assignment and two others moved to a different country. I know the plan is for the first friend to return early next year and that is a huge blessing and comfort. The revolving door in missions can often lead to some friends getting out and going in different directions like the couple that moved this week.

I've also officially reached a new year in life. The actual day did happen with some meetings but ended with a nice surprise at home. Since I had been away from home for conference and meetings, one friend gave another friend my spare keys. So I had a few extra decorations at home that weren't there when I left. More celebrations followed the next weekend. A couple great friends treated me to a meal at one of my favorite restaurants and we enjoyed a movie afterwards. Interestingly, we watched the movie at another wonderful friend's place who is not in Uganda. Since she couldn't be here to celebrate, it was kind of fitting that she unofficially hosted. In the middle of that, when I went to the office after conference week, there were five birthday cards waiting for me...and one more showed up today.

Through the business, with the blessing of health, and even though I'm older,
With love and gratefulness for all your support in each way,

Prayer Requests:

First ones are now old but we can give thanks as they have since happened: 
  • perseverance through the next few busy weeks as we have our regional conference and hand over responsibilities with people coming and going in the office
  • pray for everyone that is coming to conference - fruitful conversations, times of rest, encouragement for all, and safety with countless travels before and after
For now...
  • the ability to prioritize: now that I'm healthy and really diving in to personnel matters, there is much I want to accomplish. Some things were on the back burner because of conference and so there's a little catch up to do also.
  • pray for my friend that has just gone on home assignment: that she would not wonder about things here and be able to rest and be present with friends and family over the next few weeks
  • pray for understanding of culture: I'm actually going to a baby shower for a friend from church. I'm both excited and curious as to how it will be compared to my western concept of this event.
  • pray for health in all aspects: physically, emotionally, and spiritually
  • for me to seek our Savior for comfort in the absence of friends and for other earthly friendships to strengthen

Friday, June 30, 2017


30 June 2017: Not much new, except health news....

Where to start???

Should I start with June first? It was a typical Thursday morning. I was checking email quite early to see if anyone had read last month's newsletter yet and then....
Just kidding.
I'm not going to recap the month like that.

It's been a unique month. 
I'd say that there are two things that dominate my memory of this month: business and sickness.

Interestingly enough, the two are probably related. Because I have been unwell and missed some days working, it makes me feel busy and behind in my tasks.

A glance at the office life: 
We are having a conference in August for our entire region and I've been helping with that. I'm also still learning about my new role as personnel coordinator. Although, I've had the title for just over a month now, even today something new came up. Earlier this week I was telling a friend that I find it a little easier to manage if I put my conference "hat" on at times and other times put a personnel "hat" on to help me focus. I still absolutely love those that I work with here. It is such a blessing to have people to look forward to interacting with as we all seek to further the Kingdom with our own unique skills.

A glance at personal life: 
Just a day shy of halfway through the month I went to the airport with a group of friends. However, one of us actually had an itinerary and the rest returned home. The life of a missionary truly has revolving doors around every corner. I had to say see you later to one of my closest and most amazing friends here in Kampala and it was difficult to say the least. She'll be back in January though! I have been blessed to spend time with new people and start some new friendships. It'll be exciting as those new friendships grow. I continue to love my church family here and the group of ladies that first introduced me to that body of believers. I didn't cook much in the states (for various reasons, but usually because amazing roommates cooked already) I still feel very accomplished when kitchen adventures are successful.

A glance at health: 
I've actually been unwell for a little while. Being in the large, capitol city of Kampala, there is ample healthcare available. And there has also been ample friends available to help in so many ways including: the ones that can give me the right look to convince me to go to the doctor, the ones that bring me food, and the ones that make me laugh are always not too far way. The conclusion is that I probably had a viral infection and it settled in my chest. Unfortunately, it settled in a way that caused some minor irritation near my heart. There's no quick fix but it is simple. So with enough time, rest, and consistent medicine, I'll heal. I've spent some days working from home (or friend's homes) to allow a little more fluid schedule and encourage the resting aspect. 
TOP PICTURE: a flower after some rain on the office compound

It seemed odd not to do any pictures so just the one. But if I had included pictures it might have been....

-pictures of coffee I'm drinking. There were two times this month when someone [very unexpectedly] made me some coffee. And apparently that's one way to make me smile among other things once the caffeine hits my veins.
-pictures of the whiteboard in my office....I spent some time to clean it really well and haven't put information back on it yet. But some of my coworkers keep drawing or writing on it and that's way more exciting.
-picture of gluten free tortillas that I found at a market here as well as pictures of the amazing creations I made with them
-pictures of my friends pretending to read and analyze my results when I went to the doctor
-pictures of the flowers growing on the balcony or the ones I bought for the table and never figured out what kind they are
-pictures of my computer at home and friends homes as I worked in different places recently

Click HERE and PRAY for the unreached of Africa!!!
Prayer Requests: 
  • improved, continued, and good health including a malaria-free July which I can't say about the last two years.
  • pray for the short term program happening now in Uganda as 9 guys dive deep into cross cultural living and learning about missions
  • pray for rest and encouragement for my friends that have had some stress filled days in recent weeks
  • pray that I find joy in the small things like when a friend brought me a beautiful bunch of little bananas that were just such a perfect, happy, yellow (also another picture I could have included)
  • pray for acceptance and thankfulness when my friends want to help and I just want to claim some independence again

Wednesday, May 31, 2017


31 May 2017: Working with more tasks

Continuing on and a little bit up.....

Well, generally speaking, it is "one of those months" where it doesn't seem like a lot happened. It's been a small whirlwind to be back in the swing of things for a month now. Some days I still feel like I'm training my brain to get the inner file system working again and ingrain names and dates for immediate recall. It sure does feel good to be back though. 

Even this week, I saw a boda driver that would often take me home last year. I enjoy each moment a Ugandan recognizes me. Seeing his or her face light up at the realization that an expat returned is a lovely moment. People can come and go easily but when someone returns, it really seems to be different. I remember having this same feeling with my short term trips. 

There is one thing that happened just this Monday. I was officially granted some more responsibility and tasks as well as a new title in my email. I'm not going to rattle on about why because that would seem strange. Instead I'll just offer a piece of the email that went out to those that serve in our region:

        "Effective immediately, Katherine Rowe will be taking on all of personnel as our Personnel Coordinator. Having helped in personnel for the last year and a half, we are confident in her abilities to manage it on her own." 

So there's that. It is just a little increase in tasks/responsibilities as well as a different email, but everything else stays the same.


Left Picture: I felt so honored and privileged to be invited to AIM's leadership meetings earlier this month. This includes all upper level leadership with a few invitees. I was just a lucky opportunistic addendum invitee for the last two days. It was quite the pleasure to meet these leaders and share a few meals with them!!
Even during the breaks, there was always a few that were still thinking and planning. 

Right Picture: Just "paying it forward" back to you with a few snapshots of what I've had in OBK this month. The top picture has an adorable illustration of a character lassoing the sun and putting it in a mailbox. And that scripture reference is good any day! 
A little bit of sunshine from all around the world and a wonderful reminder in 1 Thess 5:16-18.

Top Picture: I couldn't recall if I've ever shared a picture of the here it is. This is where I go for work.I hadn't realized how large that tree is on the right until I saw the comparison in this picture.

Please CLICK here and PRAY for the Unreached of Africa

Prayer Requests:
  • patience with myself as I get settled and organized with a little bit more on my plate
  • good, intentional time with friends so we all take a break from ministry
  • wisdom in decision making and boldness when needed with my new responsibilities
  • ability to rest and "check out" from work when needed

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Tomorrow is a new day, new week & it will be better.

You know those days that you get to the end [or lunch or even by 9am] and all you want to do is hit the easy button that will allow for a do over??

I think you know what I mean. Nothing goes right. Every little thing that is slightly off just builds and builds. Or maybe it is one huge thing that destroys any ounce of positive in the day or week?

How have the first 7 days of May been for you?


Last week was definitely subpar for me.
Sunday brought on an unexpected, less than desired realization.
Monday wasn't near as productive as I hoped.
Tuesday put an abrupt end to planning some fun.
Wednesday was crushing news.
Thursday made me think more than I had energy to do.
Friday was full of cultural challenges.
Saturday was ok but just a little weird after the week.

According to facebook, I wasn't the only one that had a rough start to May.

I really wanted to play my selfish introvert card on Saturday. Actually I did a little bit. I wanted to declare a day for me to stay home and be lazy. Somehow I powered through.

I started a new book.
I spent some time on the balcony enjoying the fresh air.....
....even washed the dishes and did a little organizing.

I needed to be somewhere by 6pm. But first I needed a little bit of a re-start.

So I left in time to stop at a cafe place.
Got my book out and enjoyed some coffee and fruit. Even now I took a deep breath as if I was back in the moment yesterday afternoon. I just needed to put the week behind and declare a fresh start.

After my evening plans (which were great) I had a bonus couple of hours of conversation with a friend. It was one of those nights of pure, genuine, unplanned, meaningful late night conversations with a friend.

This morning brought a nostalgic feeling of comfort and familiarity.

This particular friend opens her doors to me often so as planned I slept at her place. In the morning I made my typical breakfast of banana pancakes. Fresh flowers were on the table from the market yesterday. Worship music was flowing through the air from the computer in the bedroom. There was excitement inside me for being back at the same church for the second Sunday in a row. (an event that had not yet happened this year).

As the day progressed, things took longer than expected, I felt behind on my internal schedule, and it caused great unrest in me that flowed out and was easily seen by others.

But at some point the ever faithful canine species reminded me that it is ok to slow down.

All he wanted was a little bit of attention. Just a moment of my time. A gentle touch and a leg to lean on while I was also apparently shading him from the late afternoon sun.

So my goals for today may not have been accomplished......well a few were.
I may be up a little early to get ready for tomorrow because some things won't get done tonight.
People are going to have to wait another day or two for an email response.
Some things just won't be dealt with today.

Even so...the sun will come up and it will be time to sing praises again.

Even when the small things fail...
the big things fall apart...
disappoint creeps around all the corners....

We can know that joy comes in the morning and HIS love never fails.

So whatever happened last week and whatever lies before us....
let's celebrate that joy is in the morning. 

I don't have a DeLorean so we can't go back to last week and do it again. So I'll have to be satisfied with some fun coffee, great conversation, a church family, and a friendly canine to reset things from the earthly point of view. 

Tomorrow is a new day and a new week. 
It will be better. 
I've just decided that. 

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thank you many times over.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you for adjusting your schedules for me.
Thank you for letting me interrupt your usual routine.
Thank you for letting me sleep under your roof.
Thank you for giving me your wifi password.
Thank you for so much food.
Thank you being patient on the days when I didn't have enough brain power to make a decision (especially at the beginning and more so at the end).
Thank you for basing the menu on my cravings.
Thank you for listening to some of my stories.
Thank you for continuing with your life to give me the time and space to rest when I needed it.
Thank you for the ongoing prayers.
Thank you for the hugs.
Thank you for the laughs.
Thank you for the new memories.
Thank you for letting me pause and take pictures so I can easily revisit some moments.
Thank you for even more food.
Thank you for buying me coffee.
Thank you for taking me on new adventures (however small or usual it seemed to you).
Thank you for going the extra mile (or 90) so we could see each other.
Thank you for showing me parts of your life.
Thank you for the conversations.
Thank you for participating in OBK2.
Thank you for referring to my place in Uganda as home.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

This list isn't sufficient. But it is a start.
Thank you so much, many times over. 

Sunday, April 30, 2017

NEWSLETTER: April 2017

A blurry time of opposites....

[It's ok if you need to skip to the end for the prayer requests.]

SO MUCH in so little time.

It truly does not seem feasible that at the beginning of this month I was pulling back into mom's driveway completing a 2,984 mi (4,802 km) road trip. It took me through 6 different states, created so many memories, and yet I was glad to finish it. 

Ten days ago I completed a 32 hour journey that started in Tennessee, USA and ended in Kampala, Uganda. With that I've officially embarked on another adventure in Africa. But the last month had quite a bit of adventure itself. 

Finishing a long road trip
Walks with friends
Making moments into memories
Last minute shopping for various things
Bonfire, grilled hamburgers, and s'mores 
Holding a sleeping, growing baby
Drinking last cup of favorite coffee 
Countless heart wrenching goodbyes
More driving to see those dear to me just one more time
Packing and packing and more packing
Airports and airplanes
Unpacking and settling
Joyful reunions with friends
Fun in the kitchen with friends


Left: Hours spent on the road to see so many.....totally worth it. 
Right: Trying to be present in the moment but wanting a quick snapshot to capture the memory.


Left: Last minute errands with a crazy schedule lead to a moment of walking into a store while eating a waffle. That's acceptable, right?
Right: Learning new recipes and delighting our tastebuds with kitchen adventures full of laughter and some fabulous food! 

Looking back through some pictures, I really felt the top picture depicts things so accurately right now.

It is a bit blurry, or maybe a lot blurry.

But there are glimpses of clarity. 

There are also brighter times as well as darker times. 

The painful, heart wrenching, tearful goodbyes are actually proof of the blessing of so many relationships filled with love, connection, and appreciation. 
There is bright excitement in getting back to work but I know it will come with difficult times to get caught up on everything and reach a point that I feel like I have a good grip on things. 
Blissful reunions with friends in Uganda mixed with other feelings as they have their own travels which will put long distances between us again. 

Some days being back has felt like I'm finally home. (Ironic since the last four months were called home assignment.) Yet other days there are culture differences that hit me like it is the first time I'm on the continent! Being here is so familiar yet there are subtle changes and I feel like I need to learn things that I knew with confidence last year. 

The month of April has provided a vast variety of experiences and emotions. Although, it may be only a drop in the bucket for what lies ahead as my journey in Africa continues/begins again. 

With a heart of mixed emotions, 
love for those near and far,
gratefulness for people and things,
anticipation for what is to come, 


Prayer points - 
  • that I give myself patience as I get back to work this week, that I don't try to do everything at once and I allow myself a little time to get caught up
  • smooth transition from the "honeymoon" of being back into whatever phase is next
  • Time management as I set boundaries for work, establish good rest habits, and build relationships with those around me
  • New neighbor to be just the right person/family...whoever that may be (The Turkish family has left while I was away which is a little sad to be honest.)
  • physical health - it would be so lovely to start off strong and especially start better than last time
  • a teachable attitude
  • abounding flexibility that is always needed during times of transition