Hi. It's me, Katherine. I'm still around. Living in Uganda.
If I had sent this a month ago.....
Would you believe me if I said I started this newsletter over a month ago? It's true. I did. In late July, I knew what I wanted to write and so I started a few things but then somehow....the business took over and now it is the 31st of August. The subject was going to be "Christmas in July". I had it all worked out. Mid July one of my friends at some visitors and they were gracious to offer some of their luggage space to bring a few things to me. At the end of July, after a few weeks of working from home, I started going back to work at the office. The first day back I walked in and on my desk was a gift of chocolate, dark chocolate. Ironically it arrived the first day that I stayed home and had sat there an entire month. Then, two days later I return for a few more hours at the office and there are five cards on my desk; mail is always very exciting!! So I had this Christmas in July theme to use. Since the subject was going to be "Christmas in July," I thought you might enjoy looking back at this videofrom last year. BUSIER
I'm definitely busier these days. The end of July and beginning of August was filled with preparations for our conference earlier this month. Around 100 adults and 50 children descended upon Kampala. The time together was refreshing for so many. For me it was lovely to finally put faces and people to names that I had been emailing and hearing about. A speaker came from the UK and he really invested in the lives of our members.
Now that conference has finished (other than a few small lingering tasks) it would seem that some of my time would be freed. However, another event is just around the corner. We will host Short Term Forum here in Kampala. This is for those all throughout AIM offices that work with short termers. We will spend a week together to find ways to improve different aspects of the program. Since it is here in Kampala, I will be doing most of the logistics for those that are attending, about 20.
One of our essential leaders in the office has also gone on home assignment this week. Each of us will help to cover while she is away. So this has landed a few extra things on my desk as well. Although, only time will tell how much this will effect me. Some of the things I will take care of could easily be very minimal over the next few months...or I could really feel the added load as some my default to me while she is gone.
TOP PICTURE: Found on google. The words I came across sometime in the last couple months and they really resonated with me. For all the sayings that turn to platitudes, this one actually comforted me.

Left: Just before Conference, I realized I was working from both sides of my desk.......maybe I was busy.
Right: Opening session of conference........it was great to finally have (almost) everyone together after so many emails and all the planning.

A quick snapshot from the birthday celebrations.
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