Sunday, May 9, 2021

Who’s there?

Throughout the day the door is usually open when I’m home. Sometimes, I keep the curtain pulled though. Today I caught a glimpse of the view from the outside when Waffles pokes her head out to check on the outside happenings.

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Deep breath, soak it in....

It’s been since early November since I was out of the city. Today, I was able to spend a couple hours in Kibale Forest. It is a national park in western Uganda. For as much as pictures don’t do justice to most situations, this one captures the moment well enough that I think I can take a deep breath just looking at it. What brings fresh air to your soul? Do you live in that situation or do you go looking for it from time to time?

PS: there’s an animal in there. Can you find it?