Wednesday, September 7, 2011

16 Weeks!!!!

In just 16 weeks from today, I will get the privilege of returning to Africa. I have made the decision to join the Visiting Orphans team in December. We will have almost the exact itinerary as the team did last month. This was such great news to receive. I am just bursting with joy and excitement beyond description to be able to get to see these children again.

I have kept in touch with a few of the older children by email. I am so thrilled to be able to tell them that I will be back. I wish I could see their face when they get the news.

Most of these children see many teams come and go from different organizations. I am so happy to be able to go more than once. I think that will mean so much to the kids. The few things that these children have consistent in their lives are usually negative (or at least not something to be excited about). I look forward to the possibility of being a consistent part in these kids' lives if only to put smiles on their faces for just a day on each trip.

There is much to be done in the next 16 weeks, part of which is sharing with you about the first trip. If you wish to see pictures, ask specific questions, or hear stories, please let me know how to reach you in the comments section below.

Please continue to prayerfully support me as I try to share the love of Christ in Africa.