Tuesday, September 29, 2015

NEWSLETTER: September 2015 - not my plans

Big changes ahead because this is the LORD's plan.

The Lord's ways are not mine.....

From my first short term trip to Africa in August 2011, I have used a common phrase known as "TIA". It is pronounced by saying each letter. The meaning is "This Is Africa". It is the catch all answer when one really can't explain the reasoning behind a certain situation. In reality, things are different. Over the last 8 months, Melody and I would often tell people that any aspect of life that they think of is completely different in America. It might be easy to use TIA to explain certain aspects and difficulties of the last couple months. That doesn't work in this situation.
Our Lord and Savior knew that all of this would happen even before I knew there was a place called Africa. He knows what all of this will lead to in the future. It has been a much undesired surprise to me and so many others but not to Him. I must remind myself of this constantly.

Through tears and an aching heart I share with you the next part of God's plan, the plan that is better than mine. It has been decided that I will not be returning to the village for ministry. While there, my physical and spiritual health were constantly struggling. In the coming days, I will be working with leadership to find a new placement that will provide a different support network and hopefully a healthier me. 

The top part is an exaggeration but the bottom seems close to reality at times. 

Hard to believe in the middle of the storm but when the winds calm and the thunder stops, it will be glorious!!

Please join me in prayer in the following areas:
-Pray for wisdom and guidance in the decision process for a new placement
-Pray for comfort and peace as I grieve the loss of what was and what would have been in the village, a dream and a calling becoming a reality for such short time
-Pray for comfort as I process the loss of friendships
-Pray for understanding for all those involved (especially the kids at the school)
-Pray for my return trip to the village to pack and say goodbyes (and how to best do this logistically and culturally)

On a side note: To all my faithful snail mail encouragers and supporters.....please wait for now. There is much transition in the coming weeks and until I have a new placement it would be best to wait for now.

Photo credit: courtesy of google image search results (all photos)

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