Sunday, July 21, 2013

Weekend Motherhood

A Short Story about Weekend Motherhood:

Excitement of the weekend grows from Monday morning until Friday afternoon. Each day of the week passes and the anticipation grows. Every American family looks forward to the weekend! Even if someone has to work for part of it, the stigma of the words Saturday and Sunday bring joy. Some weeks the clock ticks away slower than a snail crossing a 6 lane interstate. Other weeks, the hours fly by faster than free fall while skydiving.

The dad is busy at work. Each day it gets harder and harder to get up and tackle the day. Some days he leaves earlier than the sun rises to meet friends for coffee. The work wears on him but he continually reminds himself of his sweet daughters and beautiful wife to power him through the day. He is tired at the end of each day and longs for the weekend when he may be rejuvenated by the precious moments he will have with his family.

The mom is always going to the next thing while soaking up what the day offers. Everyday she feels she must accomplish something. She has her lists both physical and mental and tackles them from every angle. She assures that appointments are kept. She run errands from one side of town to the other. She always has her eyes open for ways to teach her kids.

The kids are two girls. The are curious, happy, sweet, smart, and full of endless potential. They love to help their mom. They are always ready to greet their dad with hugs and kisses when he returns home from work. The may not always play nicely together but they always love each other. The will be there for each other at every mile stone, tear, and celebration.

Finally, it happens. The clock strikes 5:00 p.m. on Friday. The work week is over. The dad returns home. He is greeted by his precious daughters and loving wife. Hugs and kisses are shared between everyone. Peace comes upon the home as the family is all together. Even the family dog seems to know it is the weekend and great things will happen.

Saturday morning comes and the dad meets friends for coffee and fellowship. The mom has a few hours with her sweet girls. There is nothing officially planned but she secretly hopes to mark a few things off her lists so that the family can make memories together later that day. Unfortunately, she is forced to alter her plans because one of her daughters is not feeling well. She handles the situation with ease. Sometimes the best medicine is some sweet snuggles with mom and that is what this child had on her prescription. The mom spends her day not only caring for the sick child but also doing everything she can to help prevent the dad and others from getting sick. All the while, she is in the front lines caring for her daughter. By the end of the day the child seems to be improving. Although, her sister is now not quite up to par.

At bedtime, the mother just can't leave the child's side. She sits. She waits. She prays. She longs for her sick children to be better. Something holds her back and she cannot go to bed. She stays at the child's side. Eventually she lays down her head and continues the waiting. It is as if she forms a protective barrier around her daughter, laying in such a way that she almost surrounds her. The previously restless child becomes settled and calms down in her sleep. But the mom stays.

The mom, like any other, wants nothing more than to have her child be consumed with healing, peace, and comfort. She is not worried that she has not run errands today. She is not worried that there are dirty dishes. She is not consumed with the yard work that needs done. Her thoughts are not concerned with the upcoming week. The mom simply wants her child to be free from sickness. She lays her on daughters bed at her side through the night. No matter the situation she stays and is ready to move a mountain or empty an ocean if that's what her daughters need. The mom is always there with unconditional love.

(Based on a true story.)

Reading this story, I felt like I saw something. I saw the endless devotion of a mom. I saw how far a mom's love can reach. I have seen an 8 year old go on a church trip with her father and on the return trip have a steady flow of tears in anticipation of seeing her mom. I have seen moms petition for the safety of their kids after a horrible accident in an elementary P.E. class. I have seen a mom close her eyes and soak up the moment when her child runs to her just to be in her arms and hug her. I have seen many glorious mom moments. However, there was something about this story. I saw something else and I don't know how to describe it. But because of it, I can now say with confidence that I will be adding something to my bucket list.  Now, one of the most important things on my bucket list is to be a mom.

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