First moving, then traveling......

On the move and joyful to settle!
Greetings from Kigali!
This month I have been on the move!
I mean this in the literal sense as I was able to find and move into my own place. It has been an absolutely wonderful feeling [through most of the process]. Moving in any country for any reason will have it's moments of stress and being overwhelmed. To be somewhere that truly feels like mine and will allow me to actually unpack and settle has created an indescribable joyous feeling.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of finding and buying anything from trashcans to a fridge to all things kitchen to cleaning supplies, I was fortunate to have time and technology to chat with my mom and brother.
Throughout the whole moving process, I have been truly blessed by a few friends that have been tremendous help. A couple friends have volunteered their time to drive me around to find/buy things and another friend offered her time to clean the kitchen. It really makes my heart smile when friends are willing to give their time and energy for something that will only benefit me.
Did you catch the city at the beginning?
It said Kigali!!
Yes, that's right!!!
This news comes from a hotel in Kigali, Rwanda.
I've been overwhelmed with delivered hugs and endless smiles as I get to spend time with two spectacular friends that are also my pastor and his wife from my home church in Clarksville, TN. They are leading a trip in Rwanda and will then come to Uganda to get a glimpse of my life there. Their visit has been highly anticipated and greatly desired. We've been together just over 24 hours and they have already renewed my spirit and overflowed my heart with encouragement. I can only imagine how fabulous and glorious the next two weeks will be with them.
Missing each of you so much but thankful for visitors to bridge the gap between you and me!
Much Love from Rwanda
COVER PICTURE: google stock photo with a highly applicable scripture
-The local version of "u-haul"......good thing it wasn't raining that day.
-It seemed like I achieved a new level of grown up status when I had to buy a fridge.
-My first moments alone in my new place.....just soaking it all in.
-Family picture while using facetime for family time.
-An amazing friend being a huge help by cleaning the kitchen so I can get things put away.
-After church today with two people that I really can't believe we are sharing life for the next two weeks.
This month I have been on the move!
I mean this in the literal sense as I was able to find and move into my own place. It has been an absolutely wonderful feeling [through most of the process]. Moving in any country for any reason will have it's moments of stress and being overwhelmed. To be somewhere that truly feels like mine and will allow me to actually unpack and settle has created an indescribable joyous feeling.
Amidst the hustle and bustle of finding and buying anything from trashcans to a fridge to all things kitchen to cleaning supplies, I was fortunate to have time and technology to chat with my mom and brother.
Throughout the whole moving process, I have been truly blessed by a few friends that have been tremendous help. A couple friends have volunteered their time to drive me around to find/buy things and another friend offered her time to clean the kitchen. It really makes my heart smile when friends are willing to give their time and energy for something that will only benefit me.
Did you catch the city at the beginning?
It said Kigali!!
Yes, that's right!!!
This news comes from a hotel in Kigali, Rwanda.
I've been overwhelmed with delivered hugs and endless smiles as I get to spend time with two spectacular friends that are also my pastor and his wife from my home church in Clarksville, TN. They are leading a trip in Rwanda and will then come to Uganda to get a glimpse of my life there. Their visit has been highly anticipated and greatly desired. We've been together just over 24 hours and they have already renewed my spirit and overflowed my heart with encouragement. I can only imagine how fabulous and glorious the next two weeks will be with them.
Missing each of you so much but thankful for visitors to bridge the gap between you and me!
Much Love from Rwanda
COVER PICTURE: google stock photo with a highly applicable scripture
-The local version of "u-haul"......good thing it wasn't raining that day.
-It seemed like I achieved a new level of grown up status when I had to buy a fridge.
-My first moments alone in my new place.....just soaking it all in.
-Family picture while using facetime for family time.
-An amazing friend being a huge help by cleaning the kitchen so I can get things put away.
-After church today with two people that I really can't believe we are sharing life for the next two weeks.