view of the Kampala city skyline

Greetings dear friends -
It is hard to believe that it is time to write to you again. Seriously though, tomorrow is November! I suppose that means I am that much closer to seeing each of you and wrapping my arms around you again.
Things in the office have been a bit of a revolving door this last month. Most others in the office have had trips for various reasons to various countries. It makes it a small challenge to keep everyone on the same page but we have managed. However, we are looking forward to some consistency with everyone or at least almost everyone in the office together. We did welcome a new team to the region. The team is serving among the Ik in northern Uganda. Please keep those of us in the office as we seek to have unity with our revolving doors as well as seek the Lord's guidance for growing His Kingdom.
You may be aware that it is nearing the end of my two year commitment to serve with AIM. I have agreed to continue serving in this same roll in our office in Kampala, Uganda. However, first I will have home assignment. This time is for many things. This includes rest and renewal as well as talking to you about the ministry here both the last two years and what the future holds. I will be back in the states in January for about four months. If you are interested in having me come to visit your church, bible study, organization, another group or to meet just us, then please be in touch with me soon. I am starting to work on schedules and will need to manage my time wisely. There will be some unique ways to help and support me for home assignment. If you are interested in the financial needs for this, then please contact me here for more information.
Things in the office have been a bit of a revolving door this last month. Most others in the office have had trips for various reasons to various countries. It makes it a small challenge to keep everyone on the same page but we have managed. However, we are looking forward to some consistency with everyone or at least almost everyone in the office together. We did welcome a new team to the region. The team is serving among the Ik in northern Uganda. Please keep those of us in the office as we seek to have unity with our revolving doors as well as seek the Lord's guidance for growing His Kingdom.
You may be aware that it is nearing the end of my two year commitment to serve with AIM. I have agreed to continue serving in this same roll in our office in Kampala, Uganda. However, first I will have home assignment. This time is for many things. This includes rest and renewal as well as talking to you about the ministry here both the last two years and what the future holds. I will be back in the states in January for about four months. If you are interested in having me come to visit your church, bible study, organization, another group or to meet just us, then please be in touch with me soon. I am starting to work on schedules and will need to manage my time wisely. There will be some unique ways to help and support me for home assignment. If you are interested in the financial needs for this, then please contact me here for more information.

L-all "bundled" for travel in the rain. Pants(ahem trousers) that dry fast, rain coat with hood up under helmet, and cover for backpack
C-view from the back of the church as I was an usher this past weekend
R-Someone handed me a baby. She feel asleep. Need I say more?
I am very happy to tell you that I feel like I have a church home in Kampala. In early September, I started going to a women's group with a friend. She was hosting it and I was already at her house so it just fit that I attended. Then it happened again and again. Before I knew it, I was getting to know the ladies and everyone was inviting me to try their church. I loved it the first time I went. It takes some effort to get there but it is such a wonderful group of believers.
The first thing I want to ask you to do is to check out PrayAfrica!!! That is a website that has been put together to share prayer updates for specific unreached people groups. I encourage you to subscribe to the website as a whole or to individual pages for people groups. You could subscribe to just the ones for Central Region and join myself and those I work with in seeking to reach the lost in the countries we serve.
I'd also like to ask you to pray for health. Read this post for an explanation. I have a friend that recently had to face the decision to get on a plane to go be with a loved one. The distance always seems further when health is not top notch. Actually, I have had some health concerns this month. Know that now things are moving forward and I have access to great medical professionals. What a blessing!!
With love and hugs from me to each of you,
With unending gratefulness for all the support you provide,
and with amazement at how fabulous our Heavenly Father is each and every day,
L-all "bundled" for travel in the rain. Pants(ahem trousers) that dry fast, rain coat with hood up under helmet, and cover for backpack
C-view from the back of the church as I was an usher this past weekend
R-Someone handed me a baby. She feel asleep. Need I say more?
I am very happy to tell you that I feel like I have a church home in Kampala. In early September, I started going to a women's group with a friend. She was hosting it and I was already at her house so it just fit that I attended. Then it happened again and again. Before I knew it, I was getting to know the ladies and everyone was inviting me to try their church. I loved it the first time I went. It takes some effort to get there but it is such a wonderful group of believers.
The first thing I want to ask you to do is to check out PrayAfrica!!! That is a website that has been put together to share prayer updates for specific unreached people groups. I encourage you to subscribe to the website as a whole or to individual pages for people groups. You could subscribe to just the ones for Central Region and join myself and those I work with in seeking to reach the lost in the countries we serve.
I'd also like to ask you to pray for health. Read this post for an explanation. I have a friend that recently had to face the decision to get on a plane to go be with a loved one. The distance always seems further when health is not top notch. Actually, I have had some health concerns this month. Know that now things are moving forward and I have access to great medical professionals. What a blessing!!
With love and hugs from me to each of you,
With unending gratefulness for all the support you provide,
and with amazement at how fabulous our Heavenly Father is each and every day,