On a more personal note.....
Over the recent months you may recall me sharing a blog on social media. You may recall me occasionally asking for prayers at times when the miles seem longer because a friend is unwell. Both of these situations were in reference to a very dear and special friend, Christine Moritz.
It is with a hurting heart and flooded eyes that I share with you the news that Christine is now with Jesus. Her Earthly suffering ended and she was embraced by our Saviour on 30 October.
Todd and Christine are friends and mentors (to say the absolute least) that have been in my life for 20 years. They have spoken truth into my life, asked me the hard questions, welcomed me into their home, prayed for me when I didn't know I needed it, supported me in countless ways, and that's just a start. The Earthly loss is great but the celebration in heaven is greater.
Would you please pray for Christine's family as they continue grieving this indescribable loss?
Selfishly, I also ask that you pray for me as I process this from across the ocean. It is certainly a first for me in this life I'm living.....to process through the Earthly loss of someone so special and dear to my heart.
For those that are interested....
Christine kept a blog through the years. It is an encouraging eye opener into life with cancer. It speaks into many different aspects of life when you battle cancer. The last few posts are focused on dying with faith. I am certain that someone reading this will benefit from it and/or that someone may know someone. Here is the link. The last entry in her words shows the depth of her faith. I encourage all to read that HERE.
The picture at the top is from February 2017 when I was visiting Todd and Christine during my time in the states.
Thanks for checkin' in!*
*This is often how she would end her blog posts. So it feels like a fitting way to end this. I am thankful for all the times you are checking in with me over the years.
It is with a hurting heart and flooded eyes that I share with you the news that Christine is now with Jesus. Her Earthly suffering ended and she was embraced by our Saviour on 30 October.
Todd and Christine are friends and mentors (to say the absolute least) that have been in my life for 20 years. They have spoken truth into my life, asked me the hard questions, welcomed me into their home, prayed for me when I didn't know I needed it, supported me in countless ways, and that's just a start. The Earthly loss is great but the celebration in heaven is greater.
Would you please pray for Christine's family as they continue grieving this indescribable loss?
Selfishly, I also ask that you pray for me as I process this from across the ocean. It is certainly a first for me in this life I'm living.....to process through the Earthly loss of someone so special and dear to my heart.
For those that are interested....
Christine kept a blog through the years. It is an encouraging eye opener into life with cancer. It speaks into many different aspects of life when you battle cancer. The last few posts are focused on dying with faith. I am certain that someone reading this will benefit from it and/or that someone may know someone. Here is the link. The last entry in her words shows the depth of her faith. I encourage all to read that HERE.
The picture at the top is from February 2017 when I was visiting Todd and Christine during my time in the states.
Thanks for checkin' in!*
*This is often how she would end her blog posts. So it feels like a fitting way to end this. I am thankful for all the times you are checking in with me over the years.