Monday, September 23, 2013

Looking to the Future

Stop and smell the roses
Enjoy the season
Slow down
Sieze the day
Go for it now
Wake up and live
Live for today
Cherish the moment

All of those phrases mean roughly the same thing. I interpret the meaning of all of it to be the following: tomorrow may have some awesome things to look forward to or some unwanted stressors but that is tomorrow and today will only happen once, so make the best of it.

This concept is becoming more and more important to me. Don't get me wrong. The importance of it does not mean it is easier to put into action. I still have my moments when I am can't focus on anything for the day because my brain is completely consumed with tomorrow or next week or even things next year. In those moments, I try to turn my thoughts to prayer and pray for what I'm looking forward to in the future. I have two main things to share with you.

Visiting Orphans has graciously trained me and allowed me to partner with them. I will be leading a trip through their organization July 10, 2014. We will be going to Rwanda and Ethiopia. The trip is posted HERE!!! Actually, I checked earlier and I should be getting on the international flight in 290 days. Things are in full swing for this trip, far as the winds will push the swing right now. Personally, I am already fund raising and mentally planning for the trip. I am beyond excited to take my experience from the past four trips I have had with VO and use that to lead a group of people through a life changing experience.

Prayer Requests:
future team members will have open hearts and be willing to GO when God calls
fundraising will continue to progress for me and for members as they sign up
God will blend our team together in unity from the very beginning

Africa Inland Mission is an organization I learned about in the airport in Ethiopia as I was just beginning my journey in March of this year. Sometimes, I begin to think that I was on that trip so that I could be placed in the right moment, by the right person, at the right time to learn about AIM. (Although, I know that many other great things happened on that trip.) AIM's mission is to have Christ-centered churches among all African peoples. AIM's priority is Africa's unreached people. I encourage you to learn about them and the impact they are having.

I have started the application process to be part of a two year program that they call TIMO. This is a two year team outreach program designed to equip new missionaries for ministry and to reach Africa's least reached peoples with the gospel. I am unable to put my excitement into words for this opportunity.
A few quick things:
1. I don't know exactly where I'll go. This is the one thing I have absolute peace about. The team I'm on may not even be thought of yet. The team I'll join may be full and someone will have to withdraw in the later stages. I really have no idea. I do know that God has a place for me with AIM and He will make sure that I get there. [However, I would absolutely LOVE to land in Rwanda!!!]
2. I also am not sure what I will do....not even in a roundabout sort of way. I have expressed my desire to work with children or in a women's ministry. AIM is also aware of my experience in the medical world. God will ensure that this gets worked out also!!! Of this I am sure!!!

Prayer Requests:
for God's timing to happen with the application progress of AIM
for His will to come to fruition for #1 and #2 above
I'd also like to ask you to pray for whatever you feel led, whatever is on your heart. There are so so very many aspects of going into full time ministry. Some of them, maybe most of them, I don't even know about. Please pray about this opportunity I have as you are led by the Spirit.

Meanwhile, I'll be trying to smell as many roses as I can. I know in my heart that this is God's plan for me but I know this will not be easy.

One day at a time
One hour at a time
One moment at a time
I will try to my best to cherish them all!!!!

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