Starting with sickness and ending with excitement....


L: Enjoying working outside at a friend's home AND getting some good dog therapy
M: For the first time since March 2015 I was able to video with my home church. I've listened at times but it was great to see too!
R: An obligatory photo to prove yet again the variety of things that are transported via motorcycle. Purple bed anyone?
M: For the first time since March 2015 I was able to video with my home church. I've listened at times but it was great to see too!
R: An obligatory photo to prove yet again the variety of things that are transported via motorcycle. Purple bed anyone?
Making a full circle...
It's hard to believe how sick I was at the beginning of the month. To complete the circle quickly...I'm ending the month with full health and overflowing with blessings.
Sickness and friends:
In a strange way being sick was an unfortunate way to have a lesson in receiving. I don't often receive things well from others but I had little say in the matter. Friends came and brought food. Friends cooked for me. Friends ran errands for me. And a new friendship began as my next door neighbor reached out and also brought food.
Short notice visitor:
A friend from Rwanda came to visit for a couple nights. I was so overwhelmed with excitement that I am able to have friends come. It is wonderful to be blessed with a home that has room for more. We had a wonderful time in conversation and adventure. It was the week before my birthday and I felt like a young school girl excited about my first sleepover. In my mind it was a bit of an early celebration and I loved it!
Getting older:
Yet another year has passed and now I am officially a year older. I kept it pretty quiet much to the great dismay of some friends. However, they convinced me that some celebration should happen. They even surprised me with flowers from mom. As word spread, I was overwhelmed with how people wanted to celebrate. I felt so blessed to be on the receiving end.
So many blessings:
I love that I can still walk into my place after 2.5 months and it brings me great joy. It is such a blessing and I'm so thankful to have a place to settle into and call home. A few days after my birthday, I finally acquired a bed and was thrilled to literally move the mattress up off the floor. Friends that know some of my "wants" have surprised me with random gifts. It also makes me feel so blessed to have such an international circle. My neighbors are actually from Turkey. The picture below contains a friend from Canada, Scotland, and an American that grew up in Africa. It's a beautiful combination of cultures when we hang out!
Right now I'm trying to be present. When at work it is so easy to drift off to the home to-do list or think bravely how my introverted self can engage with the neighbors. When at home it is easy to fall prisoner to a book (as I did for five hours this evening) or watch a movie. There seems to be so much potential that can be harnessed and utilized. With that said, I felt the Jim Elliot quote at the top is fitting for me right now.
If you would like to join me in prayer, then please go here for some current prayer points and praises.
And I know even after 18 months, I still don't say it often enough. So please know that I am truly thankful for each of you and your continued support both prayerfully and financially.
With love from Kampala,
Sickness and friends:
In a strange way being sick was an unfortunate way to have a lesson in receiving. I don't often receive things well from others but I had little say in the matter. Friends came and brought food. Friends cooked for me. Friends ran errands for me. And a new friendship began as my next door neighbor reached out and also brought food.
Short notice visitor:
A friend from Rwanda came to visit for a couple nights. I was so overwhelmed with excitement that I am able to have friends come. It is wonderful to be blessed with a home that has room for more. We had a wonderful time in conversation and adventure. It was the week before my birthday and I felt like a young school girl excited about my first sleepover. In my mind it was a bit of an early celebration and I loved it!
Getting older:
Yet another year has passed and now I am officially a year older. I kept it pretty quiet much to the great dismay of some friends. However, they convinced me that some celebration should happen. They even surprised me with flowers from mom. As word spread, I was overwhelmed with how people wanted to celebrate. I felt so blessed to be on the receiving end.
So many blessings:
I love that I can still walk into my place after 2.5 months and it brings me great joy. It is such a blessing and I'm so thankful to have a place to settle into and call home. A few days after my birthday, I finally acquired a bed and was thrilled to literally move the mattress up off the floor. Friends that know some of my "wants" have surprised me with random gifts. It also makes me feel so blessed to have such an international circle. My neighbors are actually from Turkey. The picture below contains a friend from Canada, Scotland, and an American that grew up in Africa. It's a beautiful combination of cultures when we hang out!
Right now I'm trying to be present. When at work it is so easy to drift off to the home to-do list or think bravely how my introverted self can engage with the neighbors. When at home it is easy to fall prisoner to a book (as I did for five hours this evening) or watch a movie. There seems to be so much potential that can be harnessed and utilized. With that said, I felt the Jim Elliot quote at the top is fitting for me right now.
If you would like to join me in prayer, then please go here for some current prayer points and praises.
And I know even after 18 months, I still don't say it often enough. So please know that I am truly thankful for each of you and your continued support both prayerfully and financially.
With love from Kampala,
L: Morning of my birthday.....I definitely had a brownie for breakfast.
M: A small group of friends gathered to celebrate
R: Somehow I was blessed that on two different occasions friends treated me to mexican food.
M: A small group of friends gathered to celebrate
R: Somehow I was blessed that on two different occasions friends treated me to mexican food.