Tuesday, August 13, 2013

News Flash - - - Prayer is IMPORTANT

Shocking news, isn't it?
Well, maybe not.
For me, sometimes it does seem that way.

Ever since I was young, I have struggled with prayer. I can even remember writing a letter to my pastor at the time and asking why should we pray? In a previous discussion with him, we had established that there is a plan for everyone. [Note: I don't want to start a debate about predestination here.] My thinking was that if He already knows everything that will happen and when, why should we bother asking Him to alter those plans in one way or another. I have since learned through more than one lesson that prayer is more than that.

I can think of four instances within the last couple of weeks where I saw almost immediate results from prayer. Results doesn't seem like the best word but lets use it anyway.

1. A family member of a co-worker was interview for a new (highly desired) job. She asked me to pray for him to get it because she felt God heard my prayers a little bit more than hers. [That ignited quite another thought process for me.] The guy was offered the job and all of us rejoiced.

2. I have had a minor medical issue going on since April. I have seen direct effects of the prayers of my friends and families throughout this process.

3. Children with unexplainable high fevers one day seemed almost perfectly healthy the next day. I guarantee you that prayer was a huge factor in their quick recovery.

4. A false sense of irritation between a couple seemed to vanish after pray for the situation.

If such minor things are so important that they warrant prayer, then how come we aren't praying for the bigger things in life, in God's Kingdom? We have been given a Great Commission and it is the responsibility of everyone!!

Some may be sent.
Some may be organizers.
Some may raise funds.
Some may build structures.
Some may fly the planes.
Some may translate.

But....everyone, EVERYONE is to PRAY.

Jason Mandryk states it quite nicely in his article titled "The State of the Gospel."

"We can strategize, harmonize, dialogue and worship---we can equip ourselves with the best financial resources and the most astute missiology available---but without prayer, we will not see spiritual strongholds broken down, nor the unevangelized peoples experiencing the gospel. The state of the gospel changes by prayer."

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