Saturday, July 18, 2015

Current Prayer Requests

Things that are continually valid....
-physical health: when this goes down, it seems near impossible to do anything else
-rest: we have been blessed to get some time away the last couple days. Rest is also essential as we are continually learning new things and processing cultural differences.
-intentionality: Immersion into a new culture means lots of intentionality with making friends, trying new things, learning language, and every other area of life.

A few things for this current phase......
-to have a teacher's heart: we have been asked to do some teaching at the school. Teaching is not necessarily our calling and it takes some intentionality and effort to do be excited about it. It is a great way to get to know children and then their families, but we need help being excited about this new aspect.
-continued ability to feel at home: we left the states 6 months ago. [Crazy!!! How did that happen?] I am confident that God has called me to be here but in 6 months time, the events that I was absent for back "home" are starting to pile up.
-Digo people to be patient with us as we learn language and culture
-patience for ourselves
-willingness to be humble: .....because we will make mistakes

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