Making many changes as I turn onto a new path.

Greetings to you!
There are so many unknowns when one serves in full time ministry whether it is in the town you grew up in or a continent on the other side of the world. In my 9 months on the field with AIM, I have encountered plenty of unknowns. In the last couple months, the biggest unknown has challenged me in so many ways.
Just as a simple walk in the woods to explore can turn into something far different than an explorer expected for the day due to taking the path less traveled, my journey in Africa is turning into something far different than I expected as everything about my ministry here is changing.
The road I was on included moving to Tanzania, being on a two person team, living in a village, eating rice and beans for two of my meals each day, working in a Christian school in a Mu$lim area and a variety of other aspects.
The road I have turned onto is leading me to another country, being with a larger team, living in a city, eating a variety of foods (as much variety as I cook anyway), working in an office setting, and an assortment of other characteristics.

For some geographical reference:
Going from a village outside of Tanga, Tanzania to
the city of Kampala, Uganda.
This road that I am on now is leading to Kampala, Uganda. Lord willing, I plan to arrive there in the middle of November. I may not have planned to take this road. Also, it might be considered unusual to live in 4 different countries (USA, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda) in one year. With that said, I wrestle daily with the grief of what was lost in Tanzania and the excitement of so much potential in Uganda.
My new role will be working at the Central Region Office for AIM. This office coordinates the ministry that AIM does in Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, D.R. Congo, C.A.R., and Chad. Due to some restructuring of roles and responsibilities as well as a number of home assignments and medical leaves, there has been a great need for someone to help in the office. From everyone I have talked to there, I am a huge answer to prayer.
Do you know how the poem ends?
The last line of the poem is something that I can only hope and pray will be true for my journey.
“And that has made all the difference”
(hopefully Frost is referring to a positive difference)

Greetings to you!
“Two roads diverged in a wood…..”
Do you recognize where that line is from?
Can you finish it?
It appears at the beginning and end of a popular poem by Robert Frost. At the end it is followed by, “I took the one less traveled by”.
There are so many unknowns when one serves in full time ministry whether it is in the town you grew up in or a continent on the other side of the world. In my 9 months on the field with AIM, I have encountered plenty of unknowns. In the last couple months, the biggest unknown has challenged me in so many ways.
Just as a simple walk in the woods to explore can turn into something far different than an explorer expected for the day due to taking the path less traveled, my journey in Africa is turning into something far different than I expected as everything about my ministry here is changing.
The road I was on included moving to Tanzania, being on a two person team, living in a village, eating rice and beans for two of my meals each day, working in a Christian school in a Mu$lim area and a variety of other aspects.
The road I have turned onto is leading me to another country, being with a larger team, living in a city, eating a variety of foods (as much variety as I cook anyway), working in an office setting, and an assortment of other characteristics.

For some geographical reference:
Going from a village outside of Tanga, Tanzania to
the city of Kampala, Uganda.
This road that I am on now is leading to Kampala, Uganda. Lord willing, I plan to arrive there in the middle of November. I may not have planned to take this road. Also, it might be considered unusual to live in 4 different countries (USA, Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda) in one year. With that said, I wrestle daily with the grief of what was lost in Tanzania and the excitement of so much potential in Uganda.
My new role will be working at the Central Region Office for AIM. This office coordinates the ministry that AIM does in Uganda, South Sudan, Rwanda, D.R. Congo, C.A.R., and Chad. Due to some restructuring of roles and responsibilities as well as a number of home assignments and medical leaves, there has been a great need for someone to help in the office. From everyone I have talked to there, I am a huge answer to prayer.
Do you know how the poem ends?
The last line of the poem is something that I can only hope and pray will be true for my journey.
“And that has made all the difference”
(hopefully Frost is referring to a positive difference)
Please visit my blog for current prayer requests.
For more information about AIM's vission in the central region, I encourage you to watch this video. It is a few years old but depicts a very accurate picture.
For more information about AIM's vission in the central region, I encourage you to watch this video. It is a few years old but depicts a very accurate picture.
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