A busy month from all angles.......weather, work, and fun!

TOP: Gorgeous view from the trip to the equator
LEFT: How good a road looked at the beginning of rainy season
RIGHT: Showing off my three layers of clothing in the "cold" weather

Busy, busy, busy.....
April has been a very full month and it seems to have come to an abrupt ending. To be honest, I have known what I wanted to write for almost two weeks. But I was trying to wait so that the newsletter was more appropriately spaced with the last one and didn't come too soon. Then, this evening I am telling a couple friends that tomorrow is May and it dawns on me that I need to write to you. You may not care as much as me....but I would like it if this had a date stamp that shows April. Anyway...on to the news.....
Busy #1
It is rainy season now. I would guess that it rains 3/5 days. This also means it is much cooler than recent months. You might notice that I have three layers on in that picture: t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, and rain coat. The roads are questionable, even in the city. The road pictured above is one that I walk multiple times each week. It is amazing that it looked like that a few weeks ago and now it is full of holes and deep ruts dug out by the rains. I realized today that I often have quite bipolar reactions to the rain. It seems to either "ruin" my plans OR I figure if i get wet, then I will dry. Actually...rain has little to do with busy but it helps make this flow a little better. ;-)
Busy #2
Work has also been quite busy these last few weeks. Unfortunately, it has not all been good. We had two countries that gave us trouble with regards to immigration situations. Both of them were settled in a lovely way in the end but it created much stress in the process for those involved. Also, three people within the region had to return to their passport country for medical reasons. It is never ok to be sick on any level. So, when these three missionaries had to leave their friends, homes, and ministries, it was a difficult time! They served in different places and were all from different countries.
On a lighter note, personally, I am busier at work. This is a good thing and I do enjoy it. A young lady that has been serving in the office is coming to the end of her assignment and another is switching to a new role. With these changes, I have recently gained more tasks and responsibility in the office. I feel both privileged and excited that leadership is trusting me with more.
Busy #3
There has been some fun busy this month too! A group of us went to the invisible line.......the equator! It was super fun and very enjoyable! It is about a 90 minute drive from where we are in Kampala so it made a delightful day trip. That day, the weather was lovely, although "chilly" because it had rained in the morning. I like to think of it as the classic scientific conundrum: being in two places at once. I was in the southern hemisphere AND the northern hemisphere at the same time.

A few current prayer requests:
-Housing...please pray for contentment and overflowing thankfulness with what I have but also wisdom for what is next as I look for a place to live
-Health...continued praise for my good health in recent months but also for healing for those that have been sick so that they may return to their ministry places
-Language....new found motivation and excitement for language learning
-Time management....not only for work as I learn new tasks and get more responsibilities but also for personal life that I may wisely spend my time outside of the office
Thank you for staying with me this far! I truly appreciate all the support that each of you give! I know that being here would not be possible without!! I would love to hear from you! Please respond directly to this email to let me know what's happening in your life these days.
With Gratefulness and Happiness,

TOP: Gorgeous view from the trip to the equator
LEFT: How good a road looked at the beginning of rainy season
RIGHT: Showing off my three layers of clothing in the "cold" weather

Busy, busy, busy.....
April has been a very full month and it seems to have come to an abrupt ending. To be honest, I have known what I wanted to write for almost two weeks. But I was trying to wait so that the newsletter was more appropriately spaced with the last one and didn't come too soon. Then, this evening I am telling a couple friends that tomorrow is May and it dawns on me that I need to write to you. You may not care as much as me....but I would like it if this had a date stamp that shows April. Anyway...on to the news.....
Busy #1
It is rainy season now. I would guess that it rains 3/5 days. This also means it is much cooler than recent months. You might notice that I have three layers on in that picture: t-shirt, long sleeve shirt, and rain coat. The roads are questionable, even in the city. The road pictured above is one that I walk multiple times each week. It is amazing that it looked like that a few weeks ago and now it is full of holes and deep ruts dug out by the rains. I realized today that I often have quite bipolar reactions to the rain. It seems to either "ruin" my plans OR I figure if i get wet, then I will dry. Actually...rain has little to do with busy but it helps make this flow a little better. ;-)
Busy #2
Work has also been quite busy these last few weeks. Unfortunately, it has not all been good. We had two countries that gave us trouble with regards to immigration situations. Both of them were settled in a lovely way in the end but it created much stress in the process for those involved. Also, three people within the region had to return to their passport country for medical reasons. It is never ok to be sick on any level. So, when these three missionaries had to leave their friends, homes, and ministries, it was a difficult time! They served in different places and were all from different countries.
On a lighter note, personally, I am busier at work. This is a good thing and I do enjoy it. A young lady that has been serving in the office is coming to the end of her assignment and another is switching to a new role. With these changes, I have recently gained more tasks and responsibility in the office. I feel both privileged and excited that leadership is trusting me with more.
Busy #3
There has been some fun busy this month too! A group of us went to the invisible line.......the equator! It was super fun and very enjoyable! It is about a 90 minute drive from where we are in Kampala so it made a delightful day trip. That day, the weather was lovely, although "chilly" because it had rained in the morning. I like to think of it as the classic scientific conundrum: being in two places at once. I was in the southern hemisphere AND the northern hemisphere at the same time.

A few current prayer requests:
-Housing...please pray for contentment and overflowing thankfulness with what I have but also wisdom for what is next as I look for a place to live
-Health...continued praise for my good health in recent months but also for healing for those that have been sick so that they may return to their ministry places
-Language....new found motivation and excitement for language learning
-Time management....not only for work as I learn new tasks and get more responsibilities but also for personal life that I may wisely spend my time outside of the office
Thank you for staying with me this far! I truly appreciate all the support that each of you give! I know that being here would not be possible without!! I would love to hear from you! Please respond directly to this email to let me know what's happening in your life these days.
With Gratefulness and Happiness,
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