Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Rwanda 2013 week 1

I recently returned from one month in Rwanda. I've decided to post the weekly email updates that I sent out during this time. The following was written on Sunday March 31. it is about the previous week (my first week in Rwanda).

"Saturday was kind of a slow day mostly due to rain but also due to the fact that I was tired and just wanted some time to chill for a bit. I spent some of this chill time in Matthew 10. This was eye opening and wonderful to read about. My Bible titles this chapter 'Instructions to the Disciples and Sheep Among Wolves'. I've actually decided to leave it at that. I encourage you to read it and spend some time there. I'm sure all of you will hear me share about the trip at some point (personally or in front of a group) so I'll share more details then.

I was able to volunteer at a clinic this week and plan to continue to do so until the rest of the team arrives. Although, I won't go everyday, I'm excited about the time there and look forward to this opportunity. As much as I tried to prepare myself, it was definitely more primitive than I expected! There was a girl....maybe 8-10 years old with a sore on her shin that needed cleaned and a new bandage. As the other volunteer was doing this, I tried to hold the girl's hands and comfort her. I think that most people enjoy both the human contact and the ability to grip something when experiencing pain. However, this girl didn't seem to have experience with this concept. It was like she never had anyone hold her hand before. She let go of my hand and gripped the chair for dear life. So I tried to console her in another way. But it was still heartbreaking that she almost seemed incapable of receiving consolation while she was in this physical pain. I can only imagine how she deals with emotional pain.

God has very much instilled in me a desire to spread the word this week. I find this very odd because I've never thought of myself as the type to approach someone and share the Gospel. I'll serve and spread God's love in other ways but not in such a direct way that i feel He is pushing me towards.

It is so very hard to believe that I will be back in three weeks. I just feel like there isn't enough time. Not enough time to love kids that have not experienced love. Not enough time to spread Go's word. Not enough time to help at the clinic. Not enough time to accomplish what is upon my heart.

The last Saturday of the month is Umaganda. This is when people in the community come together to help each other and work on a project together. I participated in this and enjoyed it very much. I'm not sure if I helped more or if I just entertained the local kids as I tried to help. Either way, I had fun, and I know some kids laughed a LOT!!!!!

This has been quite the first week in Rwanda. I am very excited to see what the next three will bring!!! One thing this week has taught me is to take each day one at a time. SOme of that is culture, but I believe some of that is God teaching me to depend on Him for the daily matters and not just the big stuff.

Serving and learning in Rwanda,

Stay tuned....I have an overview of three more weeks to post
AND I'll be posting separate stories with photos as well

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