Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Joy of Returning

Arguments exist for and against short term mission trips. At times I can see the both sides. However, without these short term trips the world would be a different place:
-high school and college students would not have a [positive] life changing spring break
-orphans would have not been privy to the feeling of love
-roofs would not be built
-walls would not be painted and ramps would not exist
-VBS would not bring joy to remote villages
-countless lives of potential team members would remain unchanged with eyes sheltered to seeing the truth that lies beyond the spoiled, sheltered lives of first world living

One aspect of short term trips that the opportunity for returning is available. When I went to Africa for the first time in August 2011, I knew I was leaving a huge part of my heart there but had no idea what was in store for me in the coming months and years. I was extremely blessed to return in December 2011, December 2012, and March 2013.

On the second trip I was beyond excited to see the faces of these beautiful kids again. However,  I had no idea they would be excited also. Try to imagine growing up in an orphanage. You have never known your parents. The only consistent people in your life are the couple of dozen kids you share a room with at the orphanage. There is very little you can depend on with certainty. You may not even know about the concept of love. Then, one day, this group of foreigners shows up and continually talks about how much they love you and how God loves you. They hold your hand, hug you, serve you a meal, walk with you, and love you without even speaking the same language. You don't know how to react except to never leave their side. You want more of this thing called love. But after a couple days, they foreigners have to leave. It is sad but in the end, the love, happiness, and joy they brought is priceless. Life goes back to the way things were until one day the same person that traveled all the way around the world to share love has returned! WHAT?!? You never could have imagined this would have happened. But it did! You better believe it! You get to be held. You get to experience love and you are so thrilled.

On our first day at Noel Orphanage in Rwanda in December 2011, my bus was the first of two to arrive. No one else on my bus had been there before. For some unknown reason, I was sitting at the back. Our leader had told us the kids may be cautious at first but once they figure out who we are they will swarm us from all directions. We pulled in the gate and couldn't seem to wave fast enough or to smile wide enough at all the kids. Some older boys were standing in the background, until the moment that my eyes met theirs. They knew me and I knew them. Word quickly spread that we were a team with Visiting Orphans. I began to physically start shaking with excitement and anticipation to be able to embrace these beautiful kids in my arms again. My gracious team members stayed in their seats and let me be the first one off the bus.

Words cannot express the joy that radiates from both the kids and the returning team member every time this happens. I want to give you a glimpse of it by sharing a photo of my boy, CouCou, that I love so dearly. I see him every time I go to Noel Orphanage.

August 2011
I had hurt my back on this trip. He sat with me all day. We had many tickle sessions. Most of the time he just wanted to sit in my lap and hold my hand.

December 2011
Initially he took some time to come over to me. However, I watched him and I saw the wheels turning as he processed where he saw this white girl before. Then, the light bulb came on brighter than ever before and he came running to me. He never left my side, although he was on my shoulders most of the time.

January 2013
There was no delay this time. He remembered me from the first moment. The other kids know me now and always make sure to get CouCou for me whenever I come.

March 2013
He seemed to be in a state of disbelief that I had returned so quickly. He has grown so much since we first met! I think we will need to start a new photo tradition as he may be too big for my shoulders next time we meet. Now, he shows off for me by hopping on one foot or just being a silly adorable kid. The last day I went to visit him, I had an older kid explain that I would be leaving the next day. CouCou just grasped onto my leg as he laid across my lap and didn't let go. 

This is not intended to be a plug for short term trips or a plug for people to make multiple trips. I just want to share a little about how meaningful it has been for me and for one little boy to be able to spend a day or two together and love across a cultural and language barrier. As painful as the goodbyes will be each time, I would rather have that than have these kids not experience love.

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