Changes in all areas are on the horizon.

By the end of May, Melody and I, [Lord willing] will be in our village. We went with our leader this past weekend to check on the progress of the house. We were very thrilled upon arrival to see all that had been done!!
-We will transition from an organized, mostly predictable life on an enclosed school campus to a house in a village where we will be the new kids on the block and everyone will know it.
-We will transition from formal language learning to learning by conversation as we meet people throughout the village.
-We will transition from having three meals a day ready for us to cooking our own food in a kitchen far different from our kitchens in America.
Throughout all of this, we will need to translate not only the language but also the culture. It will be a beautiful and challenging time that will challenge me in ways that I am not even aware of yet.
Please be praying about this time of transition as well as:
-Family in the states as they have their own transitions to go through since my brother left for basic training with the military
-the hearts of the Digo people would begin to be softened and they would willing teach us about their culture
-good health both physically and mentally throughout the coming changes
-many thanks for our leader to help us gather the supplies we need and be willing to invest in us as we prepare to go to our location
-humility, vulnerability, teachability, and intentionality
Thank so much for all of your support. I love getting your messages and knowing that you are thinking about me and praying for me. I am thankful for all that you do. I would love to return that honor to you. Please let me know what is happening in your life and how I can be praying for you.
Top picture: our view from where we eat all our meals. Albeit a slightly edited photo, the trees and natural beauty are wonderful to look at each day!! At afternoon chai, the sun shines through and creates a scene that is captivating and can stop any thought process mid sentence no matter the language.

A quick snapshot at dusk from our trip to Pande this past weekend. The closest building is the church and the school is in the background.

A spontaneous trip to Dar es Salaam one weekend allowed me to satisfy a multi-week craving for chocolate milk and see Cassie (not pictured).

I never understood where these sayings came from but this one seems quite appropriate. A good policy to have throughout so many changes in the coming weeks.

Translating and Transitions
Formal language learning is starting to wind down. We have less than three weeks left!! Yikes!! I can't honestly say that the time has flown by but it is definitely hard to believe that our time in Morogoro is almost over. The weeks of translating words, phrases, and sentences will soon transition to translating a new life style, new people, and new everything into a context that helps me thrive in a new culture.
The last few months have been full of translating. According to google, translate is defined as "express the sense of (words or text) in another language". Most of this has been literal words on a paper but soon this will transition to relationships, gender roles, cooking, shopping, and everyday aspects of life that we don't even realize happen in a way specific to our culture until it is suddenly different.By the end of May, Melody and I, [Lord willing] will be in our village. We went with our leader this past weekend to check on the progress of the house. We were very thrilled upon arrival to see all that had been done!!
-We will transition from an organized, mostly predictable life on an enclosed school campus to a house in a village where we will be the new kids on the block and everyone will know it.
-We will transition from formal language learning to learning by conversation as we meet people throughout the village.
-We will transition from having three meals a day ready for us to cooking our own food in a kitchen far different from our kitchens in America.
Throughout all of this, we will need to translate not only the language but also the culture. It will be a beautiful and challenging time that will challenge me in ways that I am not even aware of yet.
Please be praying about this time of transition as well as:
-Family in the states as they have their own transitions to go through since my brother left for basic training with the military
-the hearts of the Digo people would begin to be softened and they would willing teach us about their culture
-good health both physically and mentally throughout the coming changes
-many thanks for our leader to help us gather the supplies we need and be willing to invest in us as we prepare to go to our location
-humility, vulnerability, teachability, and intentionality
Thank so much for all of your support. I love getting your messages and knowing that you are thinking about me and praying for me. I am thankful for all that you do. I would love to return that honor to you. Please let me know what is happening in your life and how I can be praying for you.
Top picture: our view from where we eat all our meals. Albeit a slightly edited photo, the trees and natural beauty are wonderful to look at each day!! At afternoon chai, the sun shines through and creates a scene that is captivating and can stop any thought process mid sentence no matter the language.

A quick snapshot at dusk from our trip to Pande this past weekend. The closest building is the church and the school is in the background.

A spontaneous trip to Dar es Salaam one weekend allowed me to satisfy a multi-week craving for chocolate milk and see Cassie (not pictured).

I never understood where these sayings came from but this one seems quite appropriate. A good policy to have throughout so many changes in the coming weeks.
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