Tuesday, August 12, 2014

So Many Families

Four families opened up their home to me today.

I was blessed to share a meal with three of them.

Two of the families have opened up their home for me to sleep there (one last night and one tonight).

Each and every place was filled with love and laughter.
Each and every place was a home.
Each and every place welcomed me like I belonged there.
Each and every place blessed me.

Some people say that you have to have bad days so that you can appreciate the good days. Today was not only a good day but also a day that I truly felt loved and blessed by many. It has been a day to remember, a day full of moments that I will treasure. I have been blessed beyond what I could imagine. Someone could have asked me a year ago or months ago if I thought a day like today could happen. A day when so many families have welcomed me and made me part of their family is a day that fill my heart with thankfulness. What a blessing it is to have so many places that I could call home and to have so many people that consider me family.

I know there will be hard days in Tanzania and I have no idea how long the "honeymoon" phase will last. But it is days like today that I will tuck away in my memory bank for those homesick days. I hope I can build a memory bank full of moments that leave me with no doubt that my family of all kinds is still right by my side.

There is another aspect to days like today.

I wonder when a day like today will happen in Tanzania. How long will we be there before we have friends that are like family? How long will we be there before we share meals with a variety of people? What will it look like when a family invites me into their home?

I understand that the answers to all of these questions will be here oh so very soon. As much as I know that there are other topics that need my attention, I can't help but let my mind wander a bit and dream a little…..

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