Sunday, January 17, 2016

A [Satur]day in the life of ......

 It would not be accurate to call this "a day in the life of..." 
because Saturdays are very different from all the other days. 
I thought some of you might still enjoy getting a glimpse of my day. 
So here's what I see on Saturdays or at least this Saturday.

1. I probably should have done some more "adulting" today but I was quickly and easily convinced otherwise so I put on pants (trousers for some of my friends) and thus began a day at the flats.

2. I generally take the time for a move involved breakfast on Saturdays. Or at least I eat it slower and enjoy the taste. I made an omelet with green pepper and tomato. Once it was finished, I couldn't help but think that it had to have cheese. Thankfully, I knew that my friend (who lives in the same building) recently bought cheese. So I went and got some from her. It was a very good decision on my part.

3. Then I had the genius idea to keep going with the cutting and get some things chopped to make life a little simpler when it came time to prepare another meal later. But I also decided that I would need some liquid motivation for the day so I got things going in the french press. Note: there are some dirty dishes at the far end of the counter. Just because I live in Africa doesn't make me any less human. I still get dishes dirty and I have no desire to wash them right away.

4. Just like all of you that live in your passport country, I need things to be clean also. Due to some plumbing issues in the building, I had some extra dirty towels and opted to use the machine today. Sometimes I just wash by hand.

5. I finally made it to the dishes. I do like the way a clean kitchen looks but that doesn't mean I enjoy the work it takes to make it happen.

6. Time to dry the laundry! One difference that I may have from you is that everything is line dried. I kind of like days like this because then I can enjoy the epicness of the balcony and feel like I'm hiding because of the things drying on the line.

7. Time to get to work.... well not really "work" but just get some things done. It is a bit of a multitasking situation. Working on some back-blogging on the computer, work to do list on the right, shopping list and personal to do list on the left.
Note: I've been working on a few things of back-blogging. Keep a watch out for them in the coming days.

8. Sometimes it is helpful to have a change of scenery and some company under the same ceiling so I went to my friend's place for a little while. It was a wise decision on my part because she gave me ice cream at one point. Here I spent a few hours working a video. That's right, a video. It is going to be about my first full year in Africa and I'm getting pretty excited about it. It's almost done.

9. After so many hours of attempting productivity, I needed a brainless break. you can see my choice below. It is a new discover and I find it quite funny and enjoyable.

10. In the evening time I found myself blankly looking into the kitchen trying to decide what to do about food. I even pulled out my pre-cut veggies that I so skillfully contained with a bowl, plate, and cup so I didn't have to mix things. In the end, I didn't make anything. I hadn't worked up much of an appetite sitting at the computer the majority of the day. But tomorrow it'll be ready and I can make enough for lunch at work for a couple days.

So, there you have it!
I'm just like you on, laundry, cleaning, etc...
I may do all of this in Uganda and not my passport country,
but that doesn't make me any different than you.
I'm still just a person trying to follow God's will for my life;
it just happens to be happening in Uganda right now.

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